
Question about rear facing vs forward facing

Help me out ladies. My baby girl is huge LOL. I have a question that I can use some other opinions on.

Check up today at 10 months and her stats were

Height 30 1/2 inches (100%)

Weight 24lbs 4 oz (100%)

She's a terribly cute big girl, but I have a question. She is so long that I have to straighten her legs and put them up the back of my car's back seat. Tried crossing them, not enough room. She is super uncomfortable because she needs at least another 4 inches of space to sit without having her legs up the back of the back seat. When I spoke to her doctor, he came out to the car to see her in the seat. He recommended that we either turn her around (forward facing) or buy a carseat that will better accommodate her long legs (he said that we could look, but he didn't think we'd be able to find anything that would fit those legs). He said that it is safer to turn her around than to have an accident with her legs stretched up the back seat. I have been to BRU to try other baby seats, and because of her legs, they pretty much all have the same issue. I don't know what to do. I don't want to turn her around, but honestly, the way she is sitting is not only uncomfortable, but I truly believe that if I have an accident her legs will break even in a fender bender. What would you girls do?  


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Re: Question about rear facing vs forward facing

  • I'm sorry but your doctor is nutters.  Safer to break a leg than break a neck.  She can put them up on the seat, criss cross them or spread eagle and let them dangle over the sides of the seat.  
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • Your pedi is wrong. Broken legs = Cast it  Broken Neck = Casket. 

    I'm not even a staunch RFing advocate but (Buddy RF's till 2 at 35 inches) and Tiny is HUGE and will stay RFing until 18-24 months. 


    I mean absolutely no snark. But don't turn her around. Its really dangerous before 1, and illegal in many states. Google Internal Decapitation.  

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  • Spread eagle, crossing and dangling over the side don't work. When I cross them, her legs are so thick that they just pop out and she kicks the back of the seat which actually worries me because it is getting looser from the install. Spread eagle and dangling have caused a huge bruise on the back of her leg. I am thinking I'll just keep looking for another carseat, although that makes me pissy since I spent all this darn money on a Britax. And I'm side-eyeing the doc as well. I have no desire to turn her around, but she screams bloody murder everytime I put her legs up. I don't know how to make her more comfortable. I have tried everything I know and we are in the car for long periods of time everyday, but the way she is sitting is certainly not making the seat safer. UGH, this sucks.
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  • You need a convertible seat.  My 2 year old is 37 inches and 33 lbs and is still RF.  His legs are crossed or on the back of the seat.  No big deal.  It would be a big deal if his neck broke in an accident.
     Lilypie - (gu1R)
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

  • DD is a bit bigger than that and is RF still....  I am side eyeing your pedi as well.
  • DD is 31.5" and 25 lbs and will be RF for a long time to come.

    TTC #1 since 8/09, Dx MFI 4/10
    IUI #1: 6/10 = Cancelled, IUI #2: 7/10 = Cancelled, IVF #1: 9/10 = BFP
    Baby girl arrived - 6/14/11

    TTC #2
    IVF #2 - Oct/Nov 2012: 11/5 - eSET - 7 Frosties - BFP
    Baby girl arrived - 7/17/13 

    TTC #3
    FET #1 6/21/18

  • imageCamJack mom:
    Spread eagle, crossing and dangling over the side don't work. When I cross them, her legs are so thick that they just pop out and she kicks the back of the seat which actually worries me because it is getting looser from the install. Spread eagle and dangling have caused a huge bruise on the back of her leg. I am thinking I'll just keep looking for another carseat, although that makes me pissy since I spent all this darn money on a Britax. And I'm side-eyeing the doc as well. I have no desire to turn her around, but she screams bloody murder everytime I put her legs up. I don't know how to make her more comfortable. I have tried everything I know and we are in the car for long periods of time everyday, but the way she is sitting is certainly not making the seat safer. UGH, this sucks.

    All I've got is that you'll have to tighten it every time you get in or out of the car.  I seriously doubt she has enough strength in her legs to loosen the seat enough in one trip to make it truly loose, kwim?  

    Formerly known as elmoali :)



    Your pedi is wrong. Broken legs = Cast it  Broken Neck = Casket. 

    I'm not even a staunch RFing advocate but (Buddy RF's till 2 at 35 inches) and Tiny is HUGE and will stay RFing until 18-24 months. 


    I mean absolutely no snark. But don't turn her around. Its really dangerous before 1, and illegal in many states. Google Internal Decapitation.  


    Loppy, it is a Britax Marathon

    It's not illegal here, but I agree I certainly don't want to turn her around. She's baby #3 and I've never turned them around before 18 months so this is frustrated. 


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  • I think you're right to question your pedi a, if you were pulled over or in an accident and didn't follow the laws (rear facing until 1 year and X lbs), then your insurance could chose not to cover her medical expenses, I believe.  Not that they would, but you never know with the insurance industry. 

    Two boys already - ages 5 and 3... #3 is here...

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I would go to the chat boards at with your problem.  Those ladies know their stuff and could likely give you great advice.  Barring that, go to a carseat tech install check and ask the tech how she can fit best in the seat.  


    My DD is nearly 2 - she has LONG legs. . . I can't even tell you what we do with them b/c I don't pay attention. I put her in the seat, she moves them to some position which I assume is comfortable, and we move on.  Turning is not an option.  

  • Your doctor is giving unsafe advice. It's far, far safer to have her legs up the back of the seat than it is to turn her forward facing. My younger one was rear facing until she was 2y 9m and only turned forward then because she hit the height limit (1" from the top of the shell) on the tallest convertible on the market. Don't worry about your daughter's legs, she'll figure them out. I know more petite children than mine (mine are huge) who were able to stay rear facing until they were 4 or 5 years old and they figure out what to do with their feet. My kids actually complained a lot when they were turned because their legs dangling made their legs and back hurt.

    Also, forward facing children have a much higher incidence of broken legs in accidents, plus they are at risk for internal decapitation up until between ages 4 and 6 (depending on how fast their spine ossifies, which is not something we can detect).

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  • All of you with big kids tell her what seat you are using!  My chunkster had to be turned at 15 months because he popped his hernia while screaming.  He had to have surgery for it and didn't want to have it get worse or have him do it again.   If it wasn't for that I would have been in the same position as her.  
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  • imageCamJack mom:
    Help me out ladies. My baby girl is huge LOL. I have a question that I can use some other opinions on.

    Check up today at 10 months and her stats were

    Height 30 1/2 inches (100%)

    Weight 24lbs 4 oz (100%)

    She's a terribly cute big girl, but I have a question. She is so long that I have to straighten her legs and put them up the back of my car's back seat. Tried crossing them, not enough room. She is super uncomfortable because she needs at least another 4 inches of space to sit without having her legs up the back of the back seat. When I spoke to her doctor, he came out to the car to see her in the seat. He recommended that we either turn her around (forward facing) or buy a carseat that will better accommodate her long legs (he said that we could look, but he didn't think we'd be able to find anything that would fit those legs). He said that it is safer to turn her around than to have an accident with her legs stretched up the back seat. I have been to BRU to try other baby seats, and because of her legs, they pretty much all have the same issue. I don't know what to do. I don't want to turn her around, but honestly, the way she is sitting is not only uncomfortable, but I truly believe that if I have an accident her legs will break even in a fender bender. What would you girls do?  


    I'm joining the group that's going to side-eye your pedi here for the bolded statement.  

    The reason to recommend longer rear-facing is because the child's neck structure isn't strong enough to really withstand the stress from a crash (i.e. what we'd call whiplash in a minor accident).  In the rear-facing position, the car seat absorbs a lot of that stress, but in the front facing position it's almost all put on the body.  If you go onto youtube you can see some videos with crash test dummies of car seats in both positions.  It's sobering to watch.

    On a lighter note - your daughter is a cutie.

    photo 8653f130-7264-42f4-8d67-9a73d64cacce_zps8c973e49.jpg

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #1 4/14/10. Big B born 12/28/10.

    BFP #2 5/27/12. EDD 2/1/13. m/c and D&C 6/21/12.
  • My kids are/were in radians. One issue might be that Britax seats have notoriously little leg room. There are a lot of seats out there that have taller shells and more leg room than Britaxes, which will allow a child to stay RF longer and still be comfortable.

    Diono radian (any model, they all have the same height shells)
    Graco Myride 65
    Graco Size4me70
    Clek Foonf

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  • imageCamJack mom:

    Height 30 1/2 inches (100%)

    Weight 24lbs 4 oz (100%)


    Here's the thing, these are very similar to DD's stats at 18 months and she has legs like a gazelle and still fit very comfortably rear facing.  Are you sure the seat installed reclining correctly?  Something doesn't seem right if she's getting bruises and all that.  Just because she's a big 10 month old doesn't mean that she is that big overall.

    Also, my DD went through phase where she hated being put in the car seat and shrieked bloody murder the whole time, it didn't mean she was uncomfortable, she just didn't want in the car seat.

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  • DS is thin, but about 37" and still RFing in a Britax Roundabout. This might be a dumb question but why do you have to straighten her legs and put them up the back of the seat? What does SHE do with her legs when you just place her in the seat? DS either puts them on the seat or crosses, but he never complains about discomfort or anything. I've never had to adjust his legs myself.
  • I'll add that pediatricians are the last person you want giving carseat advice. If they know anything at all it's outdated and most are clueless on it. My SIL is a pediatrician with two young kids (6.5 and 3.5) and her carseat knowledge is nill, her seats are all installed and used incorrectly and you can't tell her otherwise (I've tried).
    imageimageBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Haven't read the other responses yet, but I'm sure I will sound like a broken record.

    - bent legs aren't necessarily uncomfortable. Once I had to face DD forward for a short portion of a trip and she bent her legs and brought them up onto her seat anyway. DD also likes to sit spread eagle half the time.

    - I don't believe the risk of broken legs RF'ing is that great. Also, a broken leg is far better than a dead kid.

    - your Pedi is an idiot

    - DD is an average size 18 month old and about the same size as yours right now and fits just fine RF'ing and will for a long time

    ETA: Glad to see you don't really want to turn her. I ditto pp's question: Why are you positioning her legs? Why don't you let her put them where she wants? Also, if you don't have it properly reclined, there would be less leg room. Also, if she's able to loosen it by pressing on the seat, it's probably not properly installed. I'd suggest getting your installation checked out.


    bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!

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  • I'm with whoever said she might be big for her AGE but that doesn't mean she's big compared to other kids who use the seat.  My son is tiny for his age but bigger than the OP's daughter and he fits in his rear facing Britax without issue.
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • imageCamJack mom:



    Your pedi is wrong. Broken legs = Cast it  Broken Neck = Casket. 

    I'm not even a staunch RFing advocate but (Buddy RF's till 2 at 35 inches) and Tiny is HUGE and will stay RFing until 18-24 months. 


    I mean absolutely no snark. But don't turn her around. Its really dangerous before 1, and illegal in many states. Google Internal Decapitation.  


    Loppy, it is a Britax Marathon

    It's not illegal here, but I agree I certainly don't want to turn her around. She's baby #3 and I've never turned them around before 18 months so this is frustrated. 



    it is illegal n TX to turn them before 1 yr AND 25 lbs based on the way the law is stated online.

    both comditions must be met to legally FF.

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  • DS is nearly 2.5 and is 37 inches tall and 33 lbs. He's still RF in our Britax with a RF height limit of 42 lbs.
  • I haven't read the replies yet, but your doctor is an idiot. It's better to have broken legs than a broken neck. My 2 yo is rfing now at 36 or 37" and 31 lbs. her legs are fine. DD1 outgrew her seat rfing by height when she was 2.5 years. She was around 39 to 40" and 32 lbs. What seat do you have and what have you tried?
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • imageCamJack mom:
    Loppy, it is a Britax MarathonIt's not illegal here, but I agree I certainly don't want to turn her around. She's baby 3 and I've never turned them around before 18 months so this is frustrated.nbsp;nbsp;

    That's the seat DD1 had. It's not known for having a lot of leg room rfing. DD1 carried most of her length in her torso at that point.

    We've been happy with our First Years TrueFit. The only down side is that the rfing weight limit is only 35 lbs. The seat I currently am looking at is the Graco My Size 70. It has a rfing weight limit of 40 lbs, but the seat extends to give more height. I figure it should last us to almost 4 years rfing and probably 42".

    I would also ask for recommendations on They'll know which seats have more leg room.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • She's safer RFing.
    m/c 2013
  • DS is the same weight and 4 inches taller, RFing in Britax Blvd.  I agree that you may want to check the recline?  You should be on #3 I believe for an infant.  (DS is almost 2 and he's still on #3.)  I asked at my pedi's office too when DS was a newborn for advice and unfortunately they were not much help.

    Your DD is awfully cute too! 

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  • imageGhostMonkey:

    But that isn't the law in Texas. You can only get a ticket if you aren't using the seat correctly. 

  • imagehopecounts:
    imageCamJack mom:



    Your pedi is wrong. Broken legs = Cast it  Broken Neck = Casket. 

    I'm not even a staunch RFing advocate but (Buddy RF's till 2 at 35 inches) and Tiny is HUGE and will stay RFing until 18-24 months. 


    I mean absolutely no snark. But don't turn her around. Its really dangerous before 1, and illegal in many states. Google Internal Decapitation.  


    Loppy, it is a Britax Marathon

    It's not illegal here, but I agree I certainly don't want to turn her around. She's baby #3 and I've never turned them around before 18 months so this is frustrated. 



    it is illegal n TX to turn them before 1 yr AND 25 lbs based on the way the law is stated online.

    both comditions must be met to legally FF.

    That is not accurate information, in Texas the law is below, and there are still some seats out there that do not require a child to be one year of age before turning forward (my 2.5 year old is still rear facing, but it depends on what seat you have):

    TRC ? 545.412. CHILD PASSENGER SAFETY SEATSYSTEMS; OFFENSE. (a) A person commits an offense if the person operates a passenger vehicle, transports a child who is younger than eight [five] years of age, unless the child is taller than four feet, nine inches [and less than 36 inches in height], and does not keep the child secured during the operation of the vehicle in a child passenger safety seat system according to the instructions of the manufacturer of the safety seat system. 

  • imagesynchrosally:
    DS is nearly 2.5 and is 37 inches tall and 33 lbs. He's still RF in our Britax with a RF height limit of 42 lbs.
    DD is about the same size. Maybe a pound or two more though. OP, dd was a chunker, much more so than your lo (try 30lbs at 10m, she's starting to thin). We have had zero issues with the Radian. And yes, still rf, she'll be 2 in 2 weeks.
  • A is 34" and 24 lbs and is comfortably RFing in a Britax Roundabout. We are not switchting until he outgrows the height or weight limit of his seat.

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  • I'm thinking what you heard and what your pedi said are two completely different things. There are car seats that RF up to 34 inches and taller. Your child needs to RF until 2 or as damned close to it as possible. You do NOT turn your kid around at 10 months. If you cannot afford an appropriate seat, even from Walmart or something then look into women and children's services in your city, they can often help.

    "We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch



    <a href

  • imagestdldb29:
    imageCamJack mom:



    Your pedi is wrong. Broken legs = Cast it  Broken Neck = Casket. 

    I'm not even a staunch RFing advocate but (Buddy RF's till 2 at 35 inches) and Tiny is HUGE and will stay RFing until 18-24 months. 


    I mean absolutely no snark. But don't turn her around. Its really dangerous before 1, and illegal in many states. Google Internal Decapitation.  


    Loppy, it is a Britax Marathon

    It's not illegal here, but I agree I certainly don't want to turn her around. She's baby #3 and I've never turned them around before 18 months so this is frustrated. 



    it is illegal n TX to turn them before 1 yr AND 25 lbs based on the way the law is stated online.

    both comditions must be met to legally FF.

    That is not accurate information, in Texas the law is below, and there are still some seats out there that do not require a child to be one year of age before turning forward (my 2.5 year old is still rear facing, but it depends on what seat you have):

    TRC ? 545.412. CHILD PASSENGER SAFETY SEATSYSTEMS; OFFENSE. (a) A person commits an offense if the person operates a passenger vehicle, transports a child who is younger than eight [five] years of age, unless the child is taller than four feet, nine inches [and less than 36 inches in height], and does not keep the child secured during the operation of the vehicle in a child passenger safety seat system according to the instructions of the manufacturer of the safety seat system. 

    I dont think anyone is concerned with getting a ticket. I think they are concerned with a kid dying.

    "We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch



    <a href

  • imagestdldb29:

    But that isn't the law in Texas. You can only get a ticket if you aren't using the seat correctly. 


    but the seat nstructions say 20 lbs and 1 yr before ff so it's the same thing. 

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  • I will also join the broken record club:

    1) Major side-eye pedi.

    2) My DD is 95th percentile for height and a little under it for weight, at about 34in and 28.5lbs at 18 months. She is rear-facing in a Britax Boulevard with no issues. She sits with her legs crossed, spread eagle, or stretched up on the seat - however she wants. When she outgrows the seat height-wise, I'll get a bigger one if necessary to keep her RF until 3+. Even adults would be safer rear-facing, so there is no way on earth that a 10-month old should do it. They just don't have the neck stability. 

    3) The new Graco Size4Me 70/MySize 70 (same seat, different name at different stores) is pretty awesome in that it's affordable and you can RF past 40". There are several other tall-shell seats on the market too - Safety 1st Complete Air and Diono Radian are some popular ones, but the Size4Me is the newest and biggest, and a kid with long legs and a shorter torso could probably RF til 4 or 5 in it. So, if you are willing/needing to get a new seat, it's definitely one to look at.

  • Take a look at Diono Radian 100 or the Radian RXT.  We have a 2 of the Diono Radian 100's and love them. They have a really deep seat and a shallow side wall on the base portion so it's easy for kids to cross their legs or butterfly them out without running into the side of the seat.  We switch DD out of a Britax Roundabout 55 at about 18 months because she was just miserable because the Britax has a far shallower seat depth.  DD's currently about 38-39 inches tall, a 3-4T in pants and about 34 lbs and still perfectly comfortable rearfacing. In her Radian her legs only touch the seat a bit with a very minor bend at the knees.  Radians are great because their good as boosters up to a 100 lbs and last for 10 years so at least you will get your money's worth out of it. 

    Do NOT listen to your doc on this he clearly hasn't read the current lit on this and doesn't get the risks of internal decapiation or shoulder displacia.  Broken legs take a few weeks to heal, broken spines either don't heal or take months and months.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker





  • imagehopecounts:

    But that isn't the law in Texas. You can only get a ticket if you aren't using the seat correctly. 


    but the seat nstructions say 20 lbs and 1 yr before ff so it's the same thing. 

    Sadly, those aren't directions on all seats. Some seats just require 20lbs. It is terrible. 

  • imageKitiara5512:
    imageCamJack mom:



    Your pedi is wrong. Broken legs = Cast it  Broken Neck = Casket. 

    I'm not even a staunch RFing advocate but (Buddy RF's till 2 at 35 inches) and Tiny is HUGE and will stay RFing until 18-24 months. 


    I mean absolutely no snark. But don't turn her around. Its really dangerous before 1, and illegal in many states. Google Internal Decapitation.  


    Loppy, it is a Britax Marathon

    It's not illegal here, but I agree I certainly don't want to turn her around. She's baby #3 and I've never turned them around before 18 months so this is frustrated. 



    it is illegal n TX to turn them before 1 yr AND 25 lbs based on the way the law is stated online.

    both comditions must be met to legally FF.

    That is not accurate information, in Texas the law is below, and there are still some seats out there that do not require a child to be one year of age before turning forward (my 2.5 year old is still rear facing, but it depends on what seat you have):

    TRC ? 545.412. CHILD PASSENGER SAFETY SEATSYSTEMS; OFFENSE. (a) A person commits an offense if the person operates a passenger vehicle, transports a child who is younger than eight [five] years of age, unless the child is taller than four feet, nine inches [and less than 36 inches in height], and does not keep the child secured during the operation of the vehicle in a child passenger safety seat system according to the instructions of the manufacturer of the safety seat system. 

    I dont think anyone is concerned with getting a ticket. I think they are concerned with a kid dying.

    While I agree, and I'm a mom that has her kids ERF, I think it is important to have accurate facts.  Of course it is completely safer to rear-face until at least 2. 

  • I have a 31 lb, 33 inch LO and she is still rear facing.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My DD (3y7m) can comfortable RF in our Safety 1st Complete Air. She has tons of room above her head and enough leg room. I don't mean this to sound snarky- but if she can do it, your 10m old DD can. Here's a picture of her from last week.


    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

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