DH and I are going in next week for our anatomy scan. Hopefully the babies will cooperate and we'll find out what they are. But for some reason, we are both super anxious about it, I think for different reasons. I know I will be ultimately happy no matter what the outcome, but for some reason I am just SO anxious. I have two stepchildren right now, a boy and a girl that are less than one year apart from one another, and they are like NIGHT AND DAY in terms of their personalities and behaviors. I realize every child is different and there is no way to really predict what it will be like. But I still think it would be interesting to hear some thoughts from twin mommas out there about what your experiences have been like with two boys, two girls, or one of each. What are the pros and cons of each? Just curious...
Re: Gender benefits
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
I have two boys and have to admit- originally when I found out, I was a little bummed that I wasn't having a girl. They are now 6 weeks old and I couldn't be more in love. They are the sweetest and boys sure do love their mamas. Now I am thinking if we have a third child, I would be psyched if it were a boy.
I wondered this as well when I was pregnant, but after having my babies I quickly realized that there is no perfect combination. I have a boy and a girl and they are dramatically different. Of course they are, they are 2 individual people. I think that the only thing that makes me sad about having b/g twins is that if we never have anymore kids my DS will never know what it's like to have a brother and my DD will never know what it's like to have a sister. I'm an only child so I never experienced any sibling relationship, but I understand they are all unique and special.
Good luck at your a/s. I hope your LOs cooperate!