Did any of you have this done? If so, can you tell me about your experience?
DH and I had a long chat last night and both feel very sure we don't want any more biological children after the babies are born so we are completely fine with shutting the door on the option completely.
He's willing to get a vasectomy at some point, but I'm just curious about the possibility of getting my tubes tied while during delivery. It's either then or never in my opinion.
My baby A is head down and my baby B is transverse so I've been planning on trying for a vaginal delivery assuming A doesn't flip. However, I'd consider an elective c-section for the purpose of having tubes tied (maybe). Am I crazy for looking at this option?
My next appointment with my OB is next week and I'll obviously ask her more about it then, but I was just wondering if anyone else has done this and if you would recommend it or not.
Re: Tubes tied during delivery?
I just had it done during my c/s. took all of an extra 5 mins. We were cautioned against any future pregnancies after having two high risk pregnancies with lots of complications for me.
Despite all of that,I'm now regretting my choice. The finality of it all has been very hard to process. It is hard to accept knowing that you don't have an option,at least for me. I wish I had gone a different route. Just something to think about.
Thanks for both responses! I'm definitely not leaning toward an elective surgery, and you're right, it probably does make more sense for DH to just get snipped. Maybe it's something I can have done ONLY if a c-section becomes necessary...
...and katieleaisamommytobe, thanks for that perspective too. I think it's easy for me to be so sure about not wanting any more children on this side of things (end of a twin pregnancy, not wanting to be pregnant again, feeling like 3 children is enough, etc.), but I guess I really won't know how I feel about it a little while after the babies arrive. So maybe it makes more sense to just wait on the decision and then let DH get a vasectomy later down the line when we're TRULY sure.
I will be having a repeat c/s so DH and I decided I will be having my tubes tied at the same time.
Reading this makes me nervous that I too will regret it later. I know we don't want anymore kids/financially wouldn't be able to support anymore but I can't help but wonder how I will feel after it is a done deal.
I think THIS is exactly the right route to take, if you must do something permanent. I don't think it's a good idea to talk about anything final when you're in the last trimester of a multiple pregnancy! It sounds like you're doing the right thing by taking some time afterward to make sure your decision is the right one.
I didn't have my tubes tied, but I did have a C-section. Personally (having had both a c-section an vaginal birth) if at all possible I'd avoid the C-section. For me it was SO much harder to recover from the c-section. Plus having your tubes tied would prolong the procedure, meaning more time away from your LO's immediately following their birth.
A vasectomy is no big deal these days. A friend's husband recently had one and he was back to work the next morning feeling fine.
I had to have a c-section, for a variety of reasons. I chose to have my tubes tied at the same time.
While it has been hard for me to come to terms with never having another child, it did/does feel like the right choice for our family. I think watching that last baby(ies) grow up is bittersweet no matter how many children you have. It's that reminder that time is going by quickly and this stage of life will be over soon.
I'm going to have my one remaining tube snipped & blocked after delivery if I already have to have a CS. If both babies are head down and we manage a traditional delivery, I will wait to have my tube done via laparoscopy later. Given the choice, I would never elect for a CS just for the sake of having my tubes done... they can do your tubes with TINY little incisions (we're talking like an inch and a half) now that heal very quickly - getting your abdomen sliced open is not fun, and I will not opt to do it again unless there is some medical emergency. My ovary removal didn't even involve cutting into the uterus, but the 7" incision was no fun. A month later and it's still itching and has thick scar tissue. The first two weeks of serious pain and immobility, followed by more weeks of soreness and itching, just not worth it unless I have to. My sitter just got her tubes done a few weeks ago, and she was back up on her feet and doing normal stuff at three days post op because they went laproscopic and she had primarily internal-only healing to do.
All of that said, I will be having that tube snipped within six months after delivery regardless of method because I cannot risk another pregnancy. If I *do* need a CS, I will have it in my birth plan that I want them to snip & block before closing me up.
Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013
I am having my tubes tied when the twins are born. These two are #4 and #5. And this is c-section number 4 for me. They wanted to tie my tubes after Jayden was born because of the higher risk of multiple c-sections and I said no, because I was not sure that we were done. Now, we are sure that we are done!!!
I totally agree with those that have said to not have an elective c-section just to have this done. It is a huge decision to make...take you time! Good luck!
The twins were my first. I had a c-section due to presentation of baby A and I did not have them tied. We did think about it.
Vasectomy is very easy, office procedure.
If I had other children prior to my twins and was for sure done and needed a c-section then a tubal would be an easy choice. Post partum tubals have the lowest failure rate of all. You could even deliver the babies vaginally and then have a tubal ligation by a tiny incision at your belly button before you go home (mini lap BTL). Or you can return 6 weeks later for a laparoscopic tubal or Adianna or Essure. So many choices.
I chose to get a Mirena IUD while we make final decisions. I LOVE it now because I have no periods at all. Best decision I ever made. LIkely DH will get snippity snipped in the future.
Thanks for all of this info! We really are very sure about not wanting any more biological children (we'd consider adopting if we felt a burning desire for a 4th child), but I didn't really take into account how final things will feel if I DO get my tubes tied. I'm going to talk to my OB, but I'll definitely only do it if I'm already getting a c-section which I'm hoping is not the case. Everyone's responses made me sure that I don't want to elect for a c-section!
Prior to my C/S we had discussed adopting a 4th and that's still on the table. For some reason though it's really upsetting me just knowing that now I can't carry a child. I'm not trying to tell you not to do it. In fact,I'm glad I'll never have to endure the complications again,but it really has surprised me how much it bothers me knowing that. I'm thinking some of this may be the hormones/emotions leveling out as I'm only 3 weeks pp, and the fact that my c/s experience was very scary (very close to loosing me), part of me longs for another easy vaginal delivery.
I had my twins via c-section last month and had my tubes tide at the same time. My husband is not willing to do the vasectomy and I am sure I do not want to have anymore children.
I had my first daughter vaginally and it was a piece of cake. My water broke at 3pm. Went in got an epidural and 5 hours later she was born. I was release 2 days later and was able to move freely with a little soar for the first week.
This time around with the twin pregnancy. Baby B was breech. I didn't want to take a chance on a double wammy and risk any complication on baby B incase they can't get her out in time. Plus I wanted to get my tubes tide. So I asked to schedule a C-section at 36 weeks and 1 day.
I was fine with the c-section procedure. Babies came out safe and sound. I did have a bit of a complication with the spinal anesthetic that was given me (could have happened vaginal or c-section if anesthetic was use). It was injected too far in and causes my spinal fluid to leak out and causes a spinal headache. I had to stay an extra day in in the hospital for them to do a blood patch to fix the problem. I was able to move around in the hospital the 2nd day. Took percocet while in the hospital and motrin 1 week after I came home. I was able to move around fine after 10 days.
I think a vaginal delivery will be optimal but considering all the factors in my situation I will do the same again and do not regret my decision. The most important part is my babies came out safely. I didn't want to take a chance with the babies having any complication. Hope this help.