Toddlers: 24 Months+

She is ready

DD is 2 1/2 and ready to potty train. We're all ready for her to be potty trained. We have a potty for her, I'm just not sure how I start to potty train her. Plz mom's that have experience, tell me how you started out potty training your little one.
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Re: She is ready

  • I put big girl panties on her and she had lots of accidents the first week, after a week she was pretty much potty trained.  She's 23 months and hasn't had any accidents for over 2 weeks. We did do potty treats too. Every time she went on the potty she got a treat. 
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  • imageFinallyMrs.G:
    I put big girl panties on her and she had lots of accidents the first week, after a week she was pretty much potty trained.  She's 23 months and hasn't had any accidents for over 2 weeks. We did do potty treats too. Every time she went on the potty she got a treat. 

    Ok thankyou for your opinion I appreciate it greatly. I'm gonna try your example.

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  • We used Lori Jensen's 3 Day PT method and it worked great.  DD was about 33 months and trained in 3 days.  She had a few accidents at school the weekend after and a handful of nighttime accidents but was overall successful. 
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