Like 8 different scenes in the LOTR trilogy: when Galadriel first enters, when Faramir's father tells him he wishes he had died instead of Boromir, the end...I'm a geek.
ER. The scene where Carol finally realizes she needs be with Doug. She goes to Seattle, and she runs down the dock into his arms. That Don Henley song in the background (Taking you Home)...I actually used that as the last dance at our wedding because i loved that scene so much.
Extreme Makeover Home Edition...I cannot watch that show without bawling. I go from feeling so horrible for those people and what they've gone through to so happy to see them happy about their new house. It is an emotional rollercoaster.
Lots of scenes in What Dreams May Come and there's a movie with Minnie Driver where a guy's wife dies and he goes home and cries at the front door and the dog waits and waits for her at the front door (he ends up falling in love with the woman who got his wife's donated heart or something)
The Notebook, when they are lying in bed together and then in the morning the nurse finds them. I literally do the whole can't catch your breath cry/sobbing. It reminds me of my Grandparents.
Too many to name. Definitely Steel Magnolias. The end of Armageddon when Bruce Willis is talking Liv Tyler through the camera. The end of Uptown Girls when they're dancing with the guitars.
On TV. When Denny died on Grey's. The episode of Grey's when the pg lady fell in the shower and lost her baby and had to deliver it. I was 16 wks pg at the time and MH almost made me stop watching. The series finale of 90210, yep I'm a loser.
Lots of scenes in What Dreams May Come and there's a movie with Minnie Driver where a guy's wife dies and he goes home and cries at the front door and the dog waits and waits for her at the front door (he ends up falling in love with the woman who got his wife's donated heart or something)
Lion King- When the dad dies. I was watching it the other night with DD and started bawling. I blame pregnancy hormones.
Jersey Girl- When they're fighting with each other.
I also cried horrible when I just saw Nights in Rodanthe. Pretty much the entire last half hour of the movie, I think.. Someone actually turned around and asked if I'd be ok. haha. I was crying really bad. Again, preg hormones!
Honestly, I'm not a crier. Movies get to me. I cry a lot when watching tv or movies! That's when I get it all out, I guess!
I also cried the episode of CSI when Warrick died and that cop show with Jimmy Smit...I cried when he died.
Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06
If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant
My favorite verse!
There are a few scenes in The Notebook, like the times the main character's wife doesn't remember him, and when they lie down and die together at the end of the movie. Very romantic, but I bawl like a baby when I watch it.
I love the "laughter through tears is my favorite emotion" line in Steel Magnolias too, and I love that I experience that emotion every time I watch the funeral scene when Sally Fiels screams out, "I just wanna hit somebody 'til they feel as bad as I do" and then Clairee grabs Ouiser and says, "Here! Hit this!"
I think that may be my favorite scene in all of movie history. Hi-larious.
Oh, Return to Me is such a good movie, but I seriously fast forward through the part where David Duchovny's character's wife dies. I can't handle it...too many emotions!
I also bawled when the boy's best friend dies in Bridge of Tarabithia...I swear I did not see that coming!
many of the scenes/movies that have already been mentioned. ?Also in good will hunting when Robin Williams' character tells Matt Damon's character that all the abuse he suffered was not his fault as Matt Damon keeps saying I know, I know and then loses it ad they hug. ?Gets me every time?
Recently, I bawled when the dog died in I am Legend. And my all time most cried at movie was I Am Sam. I can't believe no one has said that yet--that one is a tearjeaker.
Re: Name a tv/movie scene that makes you bawl...
Season 1 of Brothers and Sisters.
Cried every single episode.?
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
End of Field of Dreams. "hey, Dad? Wanna have a catch?" My dad died a long time ago and we used to play catch all the time. It kills me.
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
The scene at the end of Last of the Mohicans when they kill the brother and the girl jumps off the mountain.
Liam is 5!
Steel Magnolias, pretty much anything from around minute 40 and on. My favorite quote in the world is "laughter through tears is my favorite emotion".
I cry during tons of movies and they're all escaping me now!
Liam is 5!
The Christmas morning scene in the movie Stepmom, where the mom calls the kids up individually to give them their gifts.....gets me every time.
Streets of Philidelphia
The Notebook, when they are lying in bed together and then in the morning the nurse finds them. I literally do the whole can't catch your breath cry/sobbing. It reminds me of my Grandparents.
Oh jeez Shaunie - - I forgot about Stepmom.
Too many to name. Definitely Steel Magnolias. The end of Armageddon when Bruce Willis is talking Liv Tyler through the camera. The end of Uptown Girls when they're dancing with the guitars.
On TV. When Denny died on Grey's. The episode of Grey's when the pg lady fell in the shower and lost her baby and had to deliver it. I was 16 wks pg at the time and MH almost made me stop watching. The series finale of 90210, yep I'm a loser.
oh, Return to Me. That one gets me too!
Steele Magnolias--the funeral scene
Terms of Endearment--the hospital scene
The Notebook- when they die together.
Lion King- When the dad dies. I was watching it the other night with DD and started bawling. I blame pregnancy hormones.
Jersey Girl- When they're fighting with each other.
I also cried horrible when I just saw Nights in Rodanthe. Pretty much the entire last half hour of the movie, I think.. Someone actually turned around and asked if I'd be ok. haha. I was crying really bad. Again, preg hormones!
Honestly, I'm not a crier. Movies get to me. I cry a lot when watching tv or movies! That's when I get it all out, I guess!
Steel Magnolias the cemetary scene
My girl with the glasses in the coffin
Family Stone & Stepmom.
I also cried the episode of CSI when Warrick died and that cop show with Jimmy Smit...I cried when he died.
The Train Wreck episode of Greys, where the girl is explaining how it's better that she dies without seeing her fiance.
The episode of Buffy where she finds her mom dead
Love Story?
My Girl
Pay it Forward.
Pretty much every single movie has the power to make me cry. I cry about everything!
The "To me, you are PERFECT" scene in Love Actually makes me bawl every time!
The end of "Stepmom" where she keeps saying "take me with you"
"Love Actually" when the guy is playing the music while tossing the cue cards telling his BFF's wife that he's in love with her
"Pay It Forward"-the end. OMG-I never cried so hard in a theatre!
I love the "laughter through tears is my favorite emotion" line in Steel Magnolias too, and I love that I experience that emotion every time I watch the funeral scene when Sally Fiels screams out, "I just wanna hit somebody 'til they feel as bad as I do" and then Clairee grabs Ouiser and says, "Here! Hit this!"
I think that may be my favorite scene in all of movie history. Hi-larious.
Oh, Return to Me is such a good movie, but I seriously fast forward through the part where David Duchovny's character's wife dies. I can't handle it...too many emotions!
I also bawled when the boy's best friend dies in Bridge of Tarabithia...I swear I did not see that coming!
Bride to Terabithia
I'm a big cryer when it comes to movies. I think I've cried at every one listed here. These are my other big ones:
Shawshank when the old guy has to work at the grocery store and then hangs himself.
The opening scene of Lion King when the baby is shown to all the animals.
About half of Forrest Gump
Lorenzos Oil. The entire movie.
OMG, the old guy in Shawhank KILLS me every time.
Recently, I bawled when the dog died in I am Legend. And my all time most cried at movie was I Am Sam. I can't believe no one has said that yet--that one is a tearjeaker.