
tiny hole in incision spot

hey ladies,

 i am 3 1/2 weeks PP and today, i noticed a small hole in my incision. it was bleeding slightly, and is really small (size of a pencil eraser, ish). it's not oozing, my incision is not red or hot, there is only a little bit of blood, and i have no fever or other infection signs. it has just FREAKED me the eff out. 

i did call my doctor and she said it was NBD, just to cover with a band-aid and keep an eye on it. but i'm still very alarmed by it...it would be nice to know that others had this happen, too! 

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Marian Abigail :: born 9-16-2012 via emergency C/S
BFP on 11-14-2014, aiming for a VBAC

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Re: tiny hole in incision spot

  • i went for my follow-up yes its happened to me too but as long as there was no oozing or all that other bad stuff, i was good to go, i just tried not to look at it so it wouldn't freak me out and eventually it healed up :-) the dr told me i could put neosporin but i never did..its pretty healed up now..hope yours will heasl up quickly! take care!
  • My incision became infected twice, and you'll know. It gets red, warm, oozy, and really painful. Just follow doctor's orders and you should be good to go.
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  • So this is going to sound weird but this happened to me and my ob told me to put honey in it.  It helps heal and seal.  I thought he was crazy but I did it and it did heal.  Just a thought!
  • Same thing happened to me about a week pp. It was oozing and bleeding for about 6 weeks. Just keep it dry and covered. I freaked out too!! But I guess its pretty normal. Just keep an eye on it and remember fluid build up needs to come out! So its a good thing.
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  • Same thing happened to me and the Dr. said what yours did.  I don't think it's a big deal unless you have oozing, heat or redness.  I would watch for a fever though just to be sure.
  • This happened to me.  It took a little while to heal.  My OB put a non stick pad on it to help keep it clean.
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  • happened to me too...but all is healed now. to help it stay dry, i just showered eery other day, and that helped.
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