Baby Names

Reverse name game

Choose your favorite name for a boy and make it feminine.  If no legitimate version exists you can always use a name with the same meaning or add a "y" or get kr8tive.  Same for a girl.

Boy:  William Samuel becomes Wilhelmina Samantha or maybe Willa Samantha.

Girl:  Margaret Marianne becomes Pearl Marion.

More proof that the name thing only works one way, IMO.  Pearl and Marion are legit names for boys but darn if they don't sound waaaay too feminine.  But it seems the world has no problem taking a boy name on a girl (not clearly illustrated in my example though).

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Re: Reverse name game

  • DS1=> Theodora

    DS2=> Frances

    George=> Georgiana

    Gregory=> Greta

    Margaret=> Rhett

    Teresa=> Terrence

    Married 9-4-04

    ***PM me for my IF history***

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  • Alec Henry: Alexa Henrietta

    Anxiously awaiting baby #1! Baby BOY Due: May 30, 2013! Lilypie Maternity tickers

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  • Collin Thomas---> Colleen Thomasina 
  • Boy: Oliver James --->Olivia Gemma

    Girl: Felicity Susan ---> Felix Seamus


    My first choice first names were really easy but I struggled with middle names!  I think they're both sort of stretching it.

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  • Boy: Ciaran Patrick becomes Ciara Patricia

    Girl: Niamh Kathleen becomes Neil Cathal [the names aren't related, but sound similar]

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    VOTE on my Name List
  • DS: Cameron Anthony = Camryn Antonia

     Boy: Leo Alexander = Leona Alexandra

    Girl: Nora Simone= Noah Simon

  • Serena Juliet --> Soren Julito

    Daphne Cora --> Devin Cory

    Xander Kobe --> Xandra Kobi

    Lincoln Miles --> Lyncoln Melissa

    Rhys Everett --> Reese Everly

  • Girl: Ellie Kate --> Elliott Kristopher


    Boy: Owen Michael --> Edwina Michelle


    DS: Carter Allen --> Carrie Ellen



    Married my love 10/18/08 | DS born 07/16/11 | MMC 01/16/13 at 11w6d | DD edd 04/27/14

  • DS: Rhys James = Reese Jaye (feminine version of James)

    Boy: Liam Albert = Willa Albertine

    Girl: June Lillian = Jude Lyndon

    The girl name was much harder so I settled for a similar sounding name. 

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  • Evan=Evangeline




  • Audrey Nicole -> Aubrey Nicholas (since Aubrey was originally a boy's name..)

    Serena Claire -> Soren Claude

    Everett Louis -> Eva Louise

    Brennan David -> Brenna Danielle (close enough?)


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  • Hugh Everett - Helena Evelyn (I know this is a huge stretch, but I couldn't think of anything for Hugh!)

    Clara June - Clarence Juno

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  • Frederick Charles ----> Frederica Charlotte

    Lenora Jane ----> Leonard John

    My other female choice is Sarah Michaela, but I have no idea how to get Sarah to something masculine (it means lady or princess... so I guess I could use something that means prince?)  Brendan Michael?

  • Current boy name obsession: Henry Faust --> Harriet Felice* with Felice/Faust being similar in meaning (lucky/good luck). 

    *I prefer Felicity, but don't think it sounds as good with Harriet.

    My husband wants to add Barnaby Faust --> Bernadette Felicia

     Current girl name obsession: Dagny Freya --> Dagon Freyr with Freyr not being too much of a stretch since Freya and Freyr are basically the male/female equivalents of each other.

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