I will be 34 weeks this Sunday with twin girls, this is my first pregancy and it has been a lot harder than I anticipated. The past week I'm totally and utterly exhausted. Can't seem to get enough sleep, can't get into and stay in a comfortable position, I can't feel my left hand at all except for the tinglingI'm told this is normal pregnancyinduced carpal tunnell. I feel so guilty because I'm miserable and just want this pregancy to be over but I know my girls need a few more weeks to get big and strong before they are born. Guess I just needed to vent, trying to see the light at the end if this tunnel...
Re: 34 weeks and exhausted
IVF 1 April 2011 - Cancelled
IVF 1.5 July 2011 - MC
IVF 2 October 2011 - BFP!
*Identical Twin Boys born June 2012*
Here we go again...IVF 3 is underway!
I feel you! I'll be 36 weeks this Sunday and for me, it's the swelling in my legs (ouch!!) & feet as well as hip pain at night. My body is just ready for it to be over, but my head knows that every additional day is better for all of us in the long run. So I just try to take it day by day - and sometimes that means hour by hour!
It's been weeks since I got more than about 2 hours of straight sleep. It sure isn't fun, but I figure that's just nature's way of preparing me for dealing with newborn schedules. ;-)
ohh goodness you sound just like I did 9 weeks ago! For a minute there I had to make sure this wasn't an old post of mine... I carried twin girls to 36 weeks 1 day and had all the same issues you have.. For the tingling I would try wrist braces- it won't help a WHOLE lot you'll feel some relief (at least I did) and expect for it to last a while post delivery- (I'm seven weeks post and still don't have sensation in my fingers..) For the not sleeping part talk to you OB or Midwife maybe they can prescribe viserol (my midwife gave me some) and it knocked me right out and it helped ALOT!!...they also allowed me to take benadryl.. I know some people don't like to medicate while pregnant but TRUST ME you need sleep now so just a few tips to consider.
Like I said I wrote the same exact thing on here a few months ago and I was ripped a new one by a few other moms that called me selfish because I wanted my girls out...
Just set yourself a mindset that you only have 2-3 weeks TOPS and take those weeks ONE DAY AT A TIME. Because once the girls are here you'll find yourself one day thinking "man I wish they were back in there, and you'll also find yourself feeling a little nostalgic once they are out & miss feeling them inside of you.. I know it's hard to believe but I'll be interested to hear if it happens to you also...
My girls are 7 weeks and man oh man it's been interesting having them here..
I know you don't want to hear it (because I didn't) but it'll all be over soon and you'll have two beautiful happy and healthy baby girls because making it this far is an accomplishment in itself! The more they cook the less time in NICU..
Good luck and I hope this helped