August 2011 Moms

Words CP

So google has me all concerned about my kid's speech development.  Thanks a lot google.  Not only that, I was visiting with a 13 month old the other day who I swear could name everything in the damn house.  So now I'm curious.....[Poll]
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Re: Words CP

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    lol - I was like "hey! everybody voted the same as I did", Then I realized I was the only vote in.
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    I voted 1-5 words, but even those are weak. He says da for DH. He says "aaa" for cat (and sometimes any animal) and "ba" for football (only football, though). I think that's it.

    He finally started saying mama again yesterday (but not referencing me), but he hasn't said it again today. Sad.

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    A can say mama, dada, dog, duck, hat, this, that, hi, bye...... and his latest one was f***. Thanks XH for that one
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    SS-  where is the really isn't saying anything option :(.  We make noise, grunt to express ourself, ga-ga when we are happy.  We use to have mama and dada but never in reference to us.  Haven't heard those for at least a month now.   If anyone has any secrets to getting him to talk let me know!!
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    I wouldn't worry at all.  I think I heard that pedis like to hear 3 words by 15 mos.   I don't think they're delayed until a lot later than that though.


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    DS has Uh-oh, Nana (for both banana and grandma), Hi, bye-bye, dada, up and a few others that I'm forgetting right now.  He will only say mama when he's royally PO'd.  I guess that's what I get for teaching him dada first. 


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    Does Mooing count as a word? That's all we have besides mama and dada once in a while
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    Does Mooing count as a word? That's all we have besides mama and dada once in a while

    Absolutely. If your child uses animal sounds to actually communicate, it counts.

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    She really doesn't say much. Da, sometimes Mama but not sure if it's towards me and Dom for her brother. She can woof like no other though! She's going to be a lady bug for Halloween but I'm considering a dog instead! Lol. The other morning I could swear she said "Da nigh nigh" when I put her next to Dh while he was sleeping. I was half awake though.
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    DD says mama, dada, dog, ditty or dit dat (kitty/cat).  She will say nigh-nigh for night night on occasion when she is overtired.  She very consistently says nana (short for banana) when she is hungry.  So the first thing I hear whenever she wakes up is "Mama, nana nana!"
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    Words are appearing overnight in our house!  She's far more interested in pointing out dogs to me than saying mama or dada, though I have heard her say them on occasion.  "Door" is a big one too -- which usually means "let me out to play in the front yard already!"  She just started saying uh-oh. She says & signs "all done" and signs "more." 

    How about songs/rhymes or animal sounds?  Even though this is more of a memorization thing rather than true vocabulary, if your child is signing along to itsy bitsy spider or "singing" EIEIO, "round and round," "row row row" etc I definitely think all that counts!!!

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    SS: We have a very consistent mama but only when I leave the room or when she's mad/frustrated/needs something. I also hear dada for DH every so often. Dah for dog, and "heh-woh" when she picks up a toy phone and holds it to her ear. I guess that's 4.

    She will sometimes try and repeat what we say but none of these are consistent. She said "Buh-buh" in the bath yesterday when I said "bubbles," or "ch-ch" for choo choo when we were on a train 2 weeks ago, for example. I swear I heard her say bye bye but only once.

    Don't be concerned. They all develop differently.

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    DS can say mama and dada correctly now but it took quite a while. He also tries to say our dog Izzy's name and calls her deh for dog. Pediatrician said at this point as long as he has a consistent sound for an object it counts as a word. We tried signing but he just uses the sign for food for everything so it's not working out quite as intended lol.

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    DS was supposed to be an August baby but was born 6 weeks early. He knows a good number of words though his pedi did say that that was more like 18 months.

    He says mama, mommy, dada, daddy, doggy, kitty, he says both of our pets names, bubble, bee, duck, fishy, hi, ball, Grampa, uhoh, baby, dizzy, birdie

    He can also point to his ears, nose, mouth head correctly.

    Since he was a preemie we are thrilled with his development though I feel like he's pretty normal with words.

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