
Not the most awesome appointment ever...

I went in for an ultrasound and 30 wk appointment today. Baby A is rocking things, weighing in at 3 lb 13 oz; Baby B, not so much 2 lb 8 oz. Anyone else have a discrepancy like this? Incidentally, they're di/di and Baby B has always been smaller.

 At 20 wks, the MFM made a remark about B having a short femur compared to his other measurements; by 24 weeks he'd evened out. Now it's short again. I just don't know what to think. 

 Now I'm on twice weekly monitoring. Ugh! 

Re: Not the most awesome appointment ever...

  • Boo to bad appointments! It sounds like possible IUGR? I hope B's measurements even out again though! Grow, little man!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Since that baby seemed to even out before he or she may  just have growth spurts after the other. Fingers crossed for you. Are they going to check them again soon? Let us know what happens!
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  • I hate to be the pooper of the party but that even upsets me. What'd they say beyond come back every few days? Are they concerned or are they going to just keep you on your twice weekly appts as a precaution to check B's growth?

    The silver get to see your babies more often! I know you'd rather see them less and have B be a similar size...just looking for that silver lining.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hopefully everything evens out. My girls had a descrepancy too which is part of the reason they were delivered at 34w4d (mine were di/di too). Baby A was born at 2lbs9oz (she was estimated at 3lbs at my 33w growth scan) and Baby B was born at 3lbs 7oz (estimated at 3lbs5oz). I also had high BP, starts of pre-e and HELLP syndrome. Good luck! I hope you can keep those babies in there longer. PS Mine came out screaming with no need for oxygen.. they are just small and are in the nicu as feeders and growers.


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