My dd is obsessed with bringing things into school like it's show and tell everyday. But it's NOT. She asks to take something to school everyday and everyday I say no. I know that the teachers dont want anythgn broken or faught over so that's why I say no. So today she asked to bring a bag full of markers and pads. I said No, the teacher doesn't want that in class. She said ok, then can I do my business in the car (like an adult). I said fine, but it's not going into school. She said ok. (I should've said no to the car too)
The mintue we pull in the parking lot she pulled a tantrum and I could barely get her out of the car. Now I know at this point its all about communication but in the middle of my trying to get her out she bit my arm through my jacket. Ouch! I couldn't punish her or even react becuase we were at school/parking lot. FInally I said ok, let me ask the teacher when we get in. By that time she forgot about it.
I hate to see my dd like this, should I wait to talk to Dr or not?
Re: She bit me!
agreed with the above.
Personally I think you handled the whole thing wrong.
If you didn't want her to bring it to school- it should of stayed at home. You have to be very consistent with your boundaries- and the biting would of been corrected immediately. No matter where you are.
I definitely would have disciplined right then and there. Shock and horror. No biting!
I wouldn't talk to the doctor about this. I would start setting rules and standing by them and not letting the little darling manipulate you. No means no. You don't have to like it, you can be mad about it, whatever. But this problem started when you let her talk you into bringing stuff in the car. You know that.
Thanks gals. I just didn't want to draw attention to us while other parents were walking by. I can't even tell you what I said in that moment because I was in shock but I sure wil lshow her the mark tongiht when I get home.
Also, pre-k just emailed the parents about bringing in toys from home...ugh... No more toys in the car. Period.
You're 3.5 yo shouldn't be biting you over this - I can understand mad/tantrum, etc. but biting seems excessive - so I totally would have disciplined her then and there. Either taking whatever the item was away immediately and going home - or just putting her back in the car in the car seat to scream it out for a few minutes. Her behavior was not cool at all.
My DD wants to take something to school all/most of the time. She's allowed to bring one thing a day and keep it in her cubby, she used to get to bring to two guys, but we've narrowed it down to 1 at this point. That's her big choice of the morning - show me you're ready by picking out which "guy" you're bringing and going to the back door.
We had a few freak outs about bringing 3 guys or a total random inappropriate item and those were unpleasant, but she figured out what she can/can't bring and its rarely a battle anymore.
Other parents have likely had similar things happen to them. I wouldn't bat an eye at a parent disciplining his/her child in a parking lot. DO what needs to be done!
I know that DS needs immediate consequences otherwise they're meaningless.