Cloth Diapering


I am going to visit my grandmother over thanksgiving. We will be there for two day. I don't want to buy sposies for the trip. I honestly don't even know what size or brand would work and it would suck to buy the wrong thing.

I would rather just use cloth and wash at my grandmother's.

Who has taken a trip with cl
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Re: Traveling

  • Unless we are flying we always travel with cloth.  We just bring the detergent and everything else we will need.  No big deal :)
  • Traveling with CDs is nbd. I prefer it to having to use sposies. If you have a large enough stash, I would not even bother washing while you are gone if it's just for 2 days. For weekend trips normally I wash right before we leave (Thursday night or Friday morning) and then just wash when I get back Sunday night or Monday morning.

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  • We go away over night a lot and cd without washing.  We'll wash Friday night, leave Saturday morning and come home Sunday night and wash when we get home.  If we're gone for more than the two full days, and have access to a washer (like a week at a beach house) we just bring our detergent and keep up the normal routine.  I only do disposables when we're away for more than two days and won't have access to a washer.
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  • We've done it. We just basically packed the whole changing table and brought detergent and a drying rack. We did laundry twice on the trip and it was no big deal at all.
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