Hi. Wondering if anyone has tried this and how it helped you. I've had numerous iui and IVF. None had worked but unexplained diagnosis. My periods are normal. Willing to try anything at this point. Any advise you can give would be much appreciated.
Me:39 Dx LPD, Fibroid, AMA and all that goes with that. H:37 Dx low motility and low morphology. TTC since 3/12. Clomid 8/12 and 9/12: BFN. 11/12 on a break for Myomectomy sched. 11/26. Resume TTC early 2013.
I've been taking bee caps, which contain royal jelly & a few other beneficial items. I can't give you a success story as I had started taking them shortly before my failed IVF cycle in June. I had read alot on them being good for fertility, that's why I started taking them too. If you do take them, I recommend taking them in the morning. I always took them at night & they kept me awake. They promote energy & stamina.
Best wishes
TTC since 2006
3 Fertility Clinics
Test, Pills & Injectables....oh my.
Numerous failed IUI's 7 or 8 or more?
IVF #1 June 2012 ~ praying this is the only one
ER 6/13/12 - 13 ret, 7 fertilized, 7 progressing,
ET 6/15/12, BFN & No freeze babies.
Onto IVF #2 in October 2012. No, wait, body not cooperating. IVF #2 in November 2012
IVF #2
Began Provera in Sept to make me start. Never started. I O'd on my own??? 2 weeks of BCPs. Period. Baseline & Labs 10/25
Stims started 10/26 ~ 225 Follistim in the am. 150 Bravelle & 5 Lupron in pm. Trigger 11/4, ER 11/6, ET 11/9 - 2 great embies. 3 Freezebabies. Beta 11/23/2012 BFN. Now what??? I don't know if I can keep going?
I know the Lord would put a strong desire in my heart if it wasn't meant to be.
Isaiah 41:10
Re: Royal Jelly
I've been taking bee caps, which contain royal jelly & a few other beneficial items. I can't give you a success story as I had started taking them shortly before my failed IVF cycle in June. I had read alot on them being good for fertility, that's why I started taking them too. If you do take them, I recommend taking them in the morning. I always took them at night & they kept me awake. They promote energy & stamina.
Best wishes