I think one of the items we'll get DS for Christmas is a learn to dress doll, since I would love him to start dressing himself more soon.
Anybody have a favorite you could post a link to? I'm looking for a boy one for DS, but I think most brands have boy and girl versions, so feel free to post either.
Re: Learn to Dress Dolls
Hey there! We've have Teach Me Elmo - he counts as a boy right?
Of course he does!
Does he get played with much? DS has a ton of stuffed animals (which he loves) but I'm hoping the learn to dress aspect will be fun for him too.
Well, it's been through stages. For the first week, they were BFFs, then he couldn't care less, but he was actually re-discovered yesterday. I sort of think the buckle is pretty difficult (and of course the shoelace too) but all similar dolls seem to have the same kind of buckle (sort of like a belt, but harder). I was actually just going for the quiet (no singing) Elmo aspect at first but was happy of the little snaps, zippers, etc.