Babies: 3 - 6 Months

5 month feeding schedule (share yours)

So we just started DD on solids. I am really stuggling on how often I should be feeding her, when I should incorperate her bottles and formula, etc.  Before we started the solids we were doing a bottle with 1 tbs of rice ceral in it (per Dr's orders to try and help with her reflux) every 4 hours.  This is what we are doing now.* the times change based on when she wakes up and such but it is a 4 hour schedule.

8:00 am- "solids feeding" with 4 oz bottle

Noon- 4 oz bottle with 1 tbs rice ceral

4:00 pm- "solids feeding" with 4 oz bottle

8:00 pm - 4 oz bottle with 1 tbs rice ceral

(Then all her "waking feeds" are just the bottle with rice ceral).  

 I know that every baby is different but does this sound about right?  What are you other mom's of 5 month olds doing?

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Re: 5 month feeding schedule (share yours)

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    Our schedule is similar except the noon and 4pm are flipped so that LO get solids at noon, but not mid-afternoon, and also my hungry boy is still taking in at least twice that amount of milk (but he seems to have his dad's crazy-fast metabolism). Our LO just turned 5 months corrected (he is 7 months actual but we have to go by his corrected age). 

    His schedule is:

    8:30: solids (oatmeal + fruit, sometimes a bit of yogurt mixed in) + 3-6 oz. GMF (goat's milk formula)

    noon: solids (veggies + either mashed egg yolk or avocado) + 3-6 oz. GMF

    afternoon (on demand): as much GMF as he needs (sometimes an entire 8 oz. bottle)

    7pm: solids (stage 2 chicken, turkey, or beef + rice or potatoes + veggie) + as much GMF as he needs

    Bedtime: usually another 8 oz. bottle, plus he has started waking up for night feedings again -- I think he's on a growth spurt -- although starting meat has helped with that. 

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    We haven't started solids yet, but we give a 5oz bottle right when she wakes up and then she has 4oz bottles every 2-2.5 hours during the day.  She sttn so she has to eat that often in order to get enough ounces in.  Does your baby wake at night to eat?  I only ask because 16oz does not seem like enough formula in a 24 hour period.  My LO is tiny, only ~ 13lbs and drinks 24-27oz a day. 

    When we do start solids we will do a bottle first and then offer her solids a little while later.  I don't feel comfortable offering solids right before a bottle because I want to make sure she doesn't cut back too much on her formula intake right away. 

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    I was concerned that she wasn't getting enough formula but if I give her anymore than 4 oz every 4 hours it all comes up within an hour. She has such bad reflux, even the Zantac and soy formula she is on doesn't seem to be helping too much.
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    Wow, my LO must be a little piggy.  He generally does to bed around 7pm and sleeps until 5:30 am with that:

    5:30  8 oz bottle

    8:30 6 oz bottle

    9:30 Solids feeding

    11:30 6 oz bottle

    2:30 6 oz bottle 

    5:00 6 oz bottle

    6:00 solids feeding

    7:00 6 oz bottle 

    This schedule changes depending on his naps.  However, he gets two solids feedings, 6 total bottles (Five 6 oz bottles and one 8 oz bottle)


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    9:30AM---Baby oatmeal cereal (1TBS with 3TBS milk) with bowl and spoon and a 4oz bottle

    12:30PM---5 oz bottle

    3:30PM---5 oz bottle




    I am planning on adding a cereal feeding at the 5:30 feeding in the next few days. 


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    Wow, my LO must be a little piggy.  He generally does to bed around 7pm and sleeps until 5:30 am with that:

    5:30  8 oz bottle

    8:30 6 oz bottle

    9:30 Solids feeding

    11:30 6 oz bottle

    2:30 6 oz bottle 

    5:00 6 oz bottle

    6:00 solids feeding

    7:00 6 oz bottle 

    This schedule changes depending on his naps.  However, he gets two solids feedings, 6 total bottles (Five 6 oz bottles and one 8 oz bottle)



    Haven't started solids yet but my DS is getting the same about of formula.  He gets 8oz when he first wakes up and five 6oz bottles every 2-3 hours the rest of the day! He is a big boy, very tall like his Daddy, so I guess he needs it! I was thinking it would slow down when we start solids but it might not...he will be 4 months in a few weeks so we will prob start then. I have a feeling his pediatrician is going to give us the a-okay!


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    DD is not quite 5 months yet but here's her schedule:

    8am: 5oz bottle

    11am: cereal/solids and 3oz bottle

    2pm: 6oz bottle

    5pm: solids and 3oz bottle

    8pm: 7oz bottle

    2am: 7oz bottle

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    6 am - BF 9 AM - 5 oz bottle 10:15ish - solids (we have just started these, so only have done cereal and carrots - mixed with BM to get right consistency) 12 PM - 5 oz bottle 3 PM - 5 oz bottle 6 PM - BF 7:15 - 5 oz bottle As for the solids, our pedi said that once LO is consistently eating one 4 oz serving then we can add a second serving. She needs to establish some consistency first. I have been sending about 2 oz to daycare with her right now. she is just now starting to finish that amount. We also only started last week so, I think she is doing pretty good.
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