Maine Babies

Good morning sal moms

meredith's schedule has changed again. ever since daylight savings, she's going down for her longest stretch at 9pm instead of 10. It allows more time with dh.

anyone else finding that? or did dc go back to their normal time?

?p.s. how nice that we have our own board.

Re: Good morning sal moms

  • I love having our own board :)

    Kailey is yet on a new schedule again too!  She goes down for her longest stretch around 9 instead of 10 too! Last night it was six hours, but I'm not getting my hopes up that it will continues.  Seems that once we get in a good pattern, she changes her mind :)

  • We get our longest stretch around 9pm too - about 4 hrs.  DH and I have tried to actually go to bed then as well - so we can take advantage of some extra sleep!
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  • We usually get 5 hours out of her for her longest stretch. And thank goodness. Because after that she's up every 2 hours again, instead of every 3.?
  • I know! After her six hour stretch, she is then up every two hours!
  • 6 hours sounds like heaven to me! I can't wait!
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  • what is a schedule? LOL

    Conner has his long stretch in the afternoons. Yesterday I kept him up for 2 hours and he slept from 6-10 woke up to eat, and was up every 3 hours. I'm going to try it again today.

  • Avery also goes down for her longest stretch around 9:00 and usually stays down for about 5-6 hours. This is HEAVEN. I can't wait to get our daytime on a schedule. We are definitely not there yet. :(

    p.s I am SOOOOOOOOOO excited about having a new board! Even if the nestie Gods don't change the name of this board we can still use it, right? Let's get the word out to head to Maine!!?

  • love the new board :)

    we are luckier in the sleep department since Jenna is older - we were getting 8-9 hrs a night 9-6 but last night she would not stay asleep at all.  I heard from others there is a 4month wakeful period where they go back to not sleeping so I wonder if this is it? I am hoping it was just a random night!

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  • Ha!  Evie is 11 months and we still don't have a consistent schedule.  Every once in awhile she'll STTN, but there is no rhyme or reason, no matter what we try.  Though I will say she does sleep better than her brother did, he didn't sleep through until after his first birthday. 
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  • I didn't really notice a change with DST.  We're night owls around here though- DH often isn't home from work until almost 9pm, so I've encouraged DS to stay awake later so they get some time together.  He usually goes down at 11pm or so, and has his nice 4-5 hour (give or take) stretch then.

    LOVE the new hang out.  I've missed yall!

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  • What schedule?  : )

    Kate is the queen of inconsistency...she stays up with DH until anywhere between 10pm and 1am and starts fussing again around 4 or 5am.  She's a sleep fighter.        

  • We have started to put Willem down at 9.  He usually sleeps until 3 or 4 am, so 6 or 7 hours.  After that, he wakes every 2-3 hours until 7am when he is up for the day. 

    But I hesitate to say this is a schedule.  We have a routine, but no schedule.  Every day is slightly different.  :)

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