DS is severly allergic to sesame seed and I honestly am so overwhelmed because it is listed in ingredients as "spice." Doritos have "spice" listed in it along with like a million other foods that I'm sure don't really have sesame seed in it. Just wondering if anyone else out there is in the same boat as me and my DS?
Re: Anyone else have a LO allergic to Sesame Seed?
my son was originally allergic to sesame but outgrew it by his second test. It definetly was difficult. But just like with any allergy, it becomes easier once you learn to cook without the allergen. it will always be a PITA but duable. my son is also also allergic to milk/eggs/nuts (outgrew sesame and soy) so dinners were difficult at the begining, now it's pretty easy.
is he allergic to anything else?
You will have to avoid many things with "spices" and most bread. I ended up making my own bread once a week and freezing the dough.
Call the vendors and ask them if it includes sesame/tahini. You will probably need to do that with most products. If it says "spices" go on the products website/call them.
Make sure you also avoid tahini.. which is sesame paste.
Lipstic sometimes has sesame oil. (so people with lipstic should NOT kiss your child).. we pretty much avoid kisses.
Yes, we know that DS is allergic to sesame. We are going for testing at the end of the month to find out what else he may be allergic too.
Allergies are definitely overwhelming, especially this one. Sesame is in so many things. The key is just reading labels. Sesame is now considered to be a top allergen according to Health Canada now, so as per labelling laws, it has to be identified and clearly marked on food labels. I can just look to the end of ingredients where it will list all allergens present or possibly present in the food item. If I don't see it there, I read the entire list just to be safe.
Thank you both!! Yes, DS is also allergic to peanuts and eggs. Doctor assures me that DS will most likely outgrown eggs in a year. DS has already had eggs and nothing happened?! Sesame seed...yeah we ended up in the ER. DS has never had peanuts and will never!!
Thanks again to you both
Fortunately, they have to label for it here in Canada. Otherwise I think you will have to call manufacturers and ask. Be careful with bread especially, there is a lot of cross contamination with sesame seed buns etc.
For the egg thing... reactions trump tests. Always. Testing positive for an allergy doesn't mean you have one- there are lots of false positives. If he tolerates eggs he should continue to eat them AFAIK. We had this happen with wheat and they specifically said NOT to take wheat out of his diet because he tolerates it in spite of the + test. Of course I'm not a dr etc etc etc so you should check with your own... If this is a ped giving you advice I would suggest seeing an allergist.