
Tentative intro

Hi there! As you can see from my sig, my husband and I have been going through fertility struggles for 2 years and I think we are reaching the point where we are just done. We met with one adoption agency last week and are really just dipping our toes in the adoption world to see what feels like a good fit. I know that I won't have much if anything to add to the discussion, but I do appreciate the opportunity to learn from you ladies and your journeys. :)
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After 2 years of IF workups/treatments and 2 IUIs, we have closed the door on fertility treatments.
We are very excited to be pursuing international adoption from China!
6000 miles and a day
Follow Me on Pinterest
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Re: Tentative intro

  • Welcome.  You will find lots of great support and info here.  Again welcome.
  • Welcome! This board is great for info and support! Although we didn't deal with MFI, I have PCOS too, so I am familiar with that journey.
    imageimageimageDaisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers November 2011: after nearly two years of infertility, we are moving on to domestic infant adoption. February 2012: Matched! May 2012: Placed with our son!
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  • Welcome!

    TTC since March 2010, BFP #1 11.09.10, ectopic, m/c 12.14.10 (10w)
    Clomid + TI=BFN, IUIs 1-6= BFN
    Application for domestic adoption submitted 4/18/12, matched 8/12/12, DD born 10/31/12


  • Welcome and GL!
    TTC since June 2010
    5 Angels

    Lilypie - (hlC0)
  • Welcome! I had a pretty slow start too, it took us going to an informational meeting, sitting down for a one-on-one interview, and A LOT of talking between DH and I before I finally dove into the adoption process like I was the infertility treatments.  It really did feel like I was giving a lot up and I was hesitent, but now I finally feel like this is what I was suppose to be doing.  We are also working with an agency (vs a facilitator or attorney) so feel free to ask if you have any questions!
    TTC since June 2009 DX: PCOS October 2010
    6 medicated cycles, 2 pregnancies, 1 ectopic April 2011, Early Miscarriage August 2011
    7 more cycles, 1 IUI, No success after last pregnancy
    7/1/2012 No more fertility coverage
    8/17/2012 started pursuing domestic infant adoption!
    11/26/2012 HOME STUDY APPROVED!!!
    Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
    When relaxing didn't work is my new blog!
  • Hi, and welcome!

    It's totally okay not to know what your next steps should be.  This is a great place to gather information that will help you decide if adoption is the right path for you and your family.  As you learn more, you'll likely have specific questions, so feel free to ask away when they come to you.  In the meantime, be good to yourself, and just take it one day at a time!

  • Thanks everyone! It's so great to know I have a place to turn to with questions :)
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
    After 2 years of IF workups/treatments and 2 IUIs, we have closed the door on fertility treatments.
    We are very excited to be pursuing international adoption from China!
    6000 miles and a day
    Follow Me on Pinterest
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Welcome to the board!! I'm so sorry for your struggles, there are many here that are in all parts of the adoption journey - I'm also at the very beginning but I've learned so much and have really enjoyed participating Smile

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker}



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