I'm due in 10 weeks and while we probably won't make a final decision until we meet LO, I'd like to know everyone's thoughts on my short list... DH is being difficult and just says "maybe it has to grow on me" to everything and has zero suggestions of his own.
Girl picks Rae is pretty much set in stone as a middle name
Whitney Rae
Tessa Rae
Alice Rae
Boy picks I'm open to any of these as first/middle name combos
DD is almost 2 and her name is a Elaina Rose, if that matters.
I'm also open to other suggestions.
and i thought i loved you then

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Missed Miscarriage discovered at 9w6d
D&E 10.27.2011
I'll love you forever Baby Speck

Re: Help me decide team green
For the girls, I like Whitney Rae and Alice Rae both a lot!
For the boys, I like Samuel Vincent or Benjamin Maxwell.
Whitney Rae for girl. I like them all but it sounds best with Elaina.
For boy...I like Vincent Benjamin. Sam and Max are everywhere.
I like all your girl names. In order I would vote Whitney Rae, Alice Rae and Tessa Rae.
Boys I like Benjamin Samuel or Benjamin Maxwell. The only name I'm not a fan of is Vincent. Nothing wrong with it, just NMS.
I LOVE Tessa and Alice. I like Alice better with Rae though. Tessa Rae is food supplies in the Hunger Games (well actually that's tesserae, but still close). Whitney is NMS.
Fave combos for boy names: Benjamin Maxwell or Vincent Maxwell.
Not a big fan of Whitney. It seems too dated to me.
But, I LOVE Tessa and Alice. I think that Alice goes better with Elaina, though.
For boys, all of them are nice. But I really like Vincent, it is more unique and has more personality than the other names. Vinny is a really cute nn, too.
My furchildren, Dorothy and Johnny
My favorite is Tessa for first name. I like Alice Rae a little better as a combo, but how often are you going to call her by the full name?
As for the boys, I feel like you can't go wrong with those choices. I know a little boy named Vincent who is the cutest thing ever. I like Vincent Maxwell.
Alice Rae
Benjamin Samuel or Maxwell Vincent
*Siggy Warning*
About me 2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!
For the girls, I really like Tessa, but Tessa Rae sounds like an actual word or something...tessarae? I'm not sure. I like Alice a lot too. Not a fan of Whitney...I associate it with a snobby 80s teenager for some reason.
Of the boys, I like Benjamin and Maxwell. Benjamin Maxwell?