Cloth Diapering

Leaks at daycare, but not at home

We use mostly FBs size small and a few one size.  I have the larger inserts or will double up thin inserts, but they are always dealing with leaks at daycare.  I don't get to see how big the leak is because it's dry when I get her, but they are changing her every two hours so I am confused.  I change her every 2-3 (sometimes a little longer even...) hours and she does not leak at home.  I don't get it.  The diapers seem properly snapped when I pick her up. 

Do you think it's maybe a compression leak since she's maybe sitting in one place longer than at home?  If so, how do I fix it?  They haven't complained, but I feel bad that she needs a wardrobe change every day, sometimes twice.

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TTC since February 2009
MC 6/28/2010 @ 7w 5d
Dx low progesterone October 2010, IUI success and then a total surprise!

Re: Leaks at daycare, but not at home

  • I would ask them where it is leaking from.

    Legs/Top? It would seem to me that they just aren't getting the right fit. I would ask them to show you how they are putting it on and maybe give them a few pointers.


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  • imagelasfresasrojas:

    I would ask them where it is leaking from.

    Legs/Top? It would seem to me that they just aren't getting the right fit. I would ask them to show you how they are putting it on and maybe give them a few pointers.


    agree with pp. this same issue comes up a lot on this board and from what I've read each time, many times it does have to do with how or who is putting on the diaper. At my LO's daycare, there a few different people that change her diaper each day. So even though it looks ok when you pick her up, that only means the last person that changed LO's diaper knew what they were doing. Sometimes I find that certain people have unsnapped the rise on the diapers or things like that. You may just need to do alittle demonstration or education on how to use the diapers... 

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  • I agree with above! they also need make sure the fleece is tucked in or los back will get wet... 
  • Yeah the only time I've had issues is usually user error on the DCP part. I had a month of DD constantly getting leaks and it turned out that the little old lady that sometimes works the infant room though it looked "too tight" and undid the rise. I was a little irritated with that one. Same with diaper creme. DD got staph once from them using diaper rash cream on her when I never gave them any. Not only did they ruin her dipes they gave her staph. Beautiful.

    I would say it was a user error and figure out what they are doing wrong.

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  • I had this problem, and in addition to making sure they were snapping them right and changing enough, I had to increase the absorbancy of the diapers. I think the main issue for me was that DD drinks a lot more at daycare than she does at home... they give her 3 big bottles, but she nurses at home and probably gets less.  So, she was literally peeing more at daycare than at home.

    One other thing to check is if the fabric around the leg openings is getting tucked into the diaper.  That might be causing wicking at the legs and getting the pants wet.

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