Nurseries and Baby Gear

Bouncer/Swing/Rocker - What do you really need?

Hey ladies,

Just wondering what's really necessary. I got the Fisher-Price Newborn to Toddler Rocker ( for my shower. Should I still get a bouncer and/or swing as well, or would this be good enough for a start? I'm just confused. I do too much "research" and reading! :P

I've also noticed this swing/bouncer combo. Have any of you heard of or used this? It's called the Graco 2-in-1 Swing & Bouncer. 

Thanks for any help! 

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Re: Bouncer/Swing/Rocker - What do you really need?

  • We have a similar bouncer/rocker and use it when LO needs to sit somewhere, like when I'm showering or cooking. He also naps in it occasionally. We got a swing from a friend and used it a couple times, but it has been sitting in a closet for the past two months. You will find that every baby is different, and what one mom swears by another will find useless. If I were you I'd hold off on a swing until LO is born and see if you might need one, but I am of the opinion that the less gear, the better.

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  • I don't know what a rocker is, but we bought a swing and registered for a bouncer. We plan to use the bouncer upstairs and swing downstairs. If you have a one story, you probably don't need both, but I've heard from many moms that they liked having a variety of items.

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  • It totally depends on the baby.  My DD loves her swing and still uses it at almost 7 mos.  She hated her bouncy chair.  My niece was the exact opposite.  I don't know anyone personally who had one of the combo swing/chairs but the reviews are not that great.  If you do get a swing, make sure it plugs in.  Ours was free so I can't complain but we go through a ton of batteries!
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  • imagestrawberrytree:
    You will find that every baby is different, and what one mom swears by another will find useless. If I were you I'd hold off on a swing until LO is born and see if you might need one, but I am of the opinion that the less gear, the better.

    Unfortunately, very true.  We had a swing & bouncer.  DD went through phases preferring one over the other, but if you are tight on space/don't want a lot of crap, I'd recommend a vibrating bouncer.  Its portable, you can drag it in whatever room you want to be in and have a safe place for LO (namely, bathroom so you can shower!).  DD found the vibration very soothing.  She didn't often nap in it, but would just chill out so I could make myself lunch, shower, or lay down for a nap on the couch next to her.

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  • I have the infant to toddler rocker and a bouncer too. Although we did not use the rocker much when DS was tiny ( used the bouncer instead) we used it when he first started solids instead of a high chair and he really still enjoys using it at 19 months and will sit in for snack time or to watch TV.  We really used the bouncer mostly until about 10 months for relaxing and nap time. 
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  • My girls both loved the swing. We have the older version of this cradle swing.

    I pretty much only used it in the cradle back and forth mode.

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