DD is almost 14 months. She used to nap 2x a day for 1hr 1/2 at each. Nap times were 9am then 2pm. Everything is wonky now. She now gets up at 5:30am. I will put her down for her first nap around 8:30-9. She will sleep for 2hrs. For the second nap I'll attempt to put her down at 2:30 but she fights it like crazy and ends up not sleeping. But around 5ish she becomes a nightmare and would easily go down if I let her. I'm thinking she's ready for one nap. So, what do I do? Do I just keep her up a little later each morning and eventually have her take a nap around noon? Would that make a difference? She goes to bed at 7pm and I'm not opposed to putting her down later if she slept later in the morning. I would like to have this schedule: wake 8am. Nap 12pm. Bed 8pm. How do I accomplish this??? Or at the very least balance everything out? I refuse to let her nap at 5pm. If this makes any sense at all I appreciate the advice.
Re: Parenting Qusetion
I'd start putting LO down for her nap later in the morning. Try for 10am. If that works start pushing naptime back closer to noon a little each week. Not knowing what time bedtime is, I would aim for 6:30 or 7:00pm bedtime.
8pm-8am sounds great, but from what you've described it is a leap.
DS transitioned himself out of two naps by alternating a 1-nap day with a 2-nap day for a week or two. On the 1-nap days he'd be really tired, so he'd take 2-naps the next day which made him really rested, so he'd take 1-nap the next day. It was a back-and-forth cycle for about two weeks.
I also wouldn't let your DD nap at 5pm either (but I really, really value my evenings, so maybe I'm biased), I think you're getting to the point where you need to consolidate. Start by skipping the morning nap if she's not acting tired and after a week or two the rest should fall into place. You may have a cranky little girl at first, but it will work itself out. And if it doesn't then you can always go back to two naps.