I'm ready to get back into running and want a good jogging stroller that is easy to run with at any speed and provides a smooth ride for my LO. Especially interested in strollers $300 or less. TIA
New this won't fit your budget, but second hand it would. Chariot Carrier Cougar, and yes, over a Bob. I'm basing this off that you said any speed. Or else, Bob Ironman second.
I have a mountain buggy terrain and LOVE it. It was the only jogger I could find with adjustable handle so that DH and I could both use comfortably. Also it offers a fixed and swivel front wheel. This was important because I hated the fixed wheel which people say is needed for running. I run all the time and much prefer the swivel. Anyhow, I spent $319 on it since it was the previous season's floor model. Also, consider buying secondhand if it is high quality like Mountain Buggy, Baby jogger, BOB, etc... You see those online for the $200-$300 gently used a lot. I would buy one of these secondhand before buying a cheaper quality brand new.
Re: runners, recommend your jogging stroller
New this won't fit your budget, but second hand it would. Chariot Carrier Cougar, and yes, over a Bob. I'm basing this off that you said any speed. Or else, Bob Ironman second.
I have a mountain buggy terrain and LOVE it. It was the only jogger I could find with adjustable handle so that DH and I could both use comfortably. Also it offers a fixed and swivel front wheel. This was important because I hated the fixed wheel which people say is needed for running. I run all the time and much prefer the swivel. Anyhow, I spent $319 on it since it was the previous season's floor model. Also, consider buying secondhand if it is high quality like Mountain Buggy, Baby jogger, BOB, etc... You see those online for the $200-$300 gently used a lot. I would buy one of these secondhand before buying a cheaper quality brand new.
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