
Where can I find a green shirt like Steve's from Blue's Clues?

My 2 year-old daughter wants to be Steve from Blue's Clue's for Halloween!  It seems easy enough to find a long-sleeved green striped shirt for her to wear, but really I have no clue.  I checked on Wal-mart and Kmart online and didn't find what I was looking for.  We have an old Blue costume which would be so much easier, but she wants to be Steve!  Any suggestions on where to look?  Maybe I could check out the thrift stores around town.  I know my oldest daughter used to have a Handy-Dandy Notebook just like Steve's but I have no idea where it went.  Maybe the dreaded and oh-so-messy playroom?!  Anyways, if anyone has a shirt similar to this (size 2T/3T) they are willing to sell I might consider that too.  Thanks!

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