Cloth Diapering

Newborn stash - do I need more?

This will be my first time getting to CD a newborn since I didn't decide to start CDing until my DS was 5 months old.  I wasn't sure what I'd like so I just went for a variety of things, but does this sound like enough? I feel I need more but don't want to go overboard.   Is there anything additional you'd recommend? Thanks!

12 Bummis prefolds - size 1 (5-9 lbs.)

1 Bummis Super Whisper Wrap - newborn (7-10 lb.)

1 Bummis Super Brite Cover - newborn (4-9 lb.)

1 Bummis Super Brite Cover - small (8-16 lb.)

1 Thirsties cover - X-Small (6-12 lb.)

4 Kissluvs - size 0 (5-15 lb.)

4 RaR Lil Joeys (4-12 lb.)

DS (7 years old) from FET in 2010
DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012
TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!

Re: Newborn stash - do I need more?

  • You will have to do laundry almost everyday. I had twenty two newborn diapers and I washed every day - sometimes every other day. But it wasn't a big deal and I'm happy I had a small stash cause my baby was big and outgrew them quickly.
  • I would say yes. You don't have enough for 2 days worth of laundry. Unless your planning on doing laundry every day. Oh and more covers. Newborns go through covers.

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  • You absolutely need more.

    To wash every other day with a newborn aim for 30-36 diapers. On an average day with DD, I went through 15 diapers, so by the time I did laundry I had about 6 diapers to last until the load was washed and dried. It sounds like a lot, but newborns are notorious for peeing before you've even fastened the clean diaper. We had a couple of triple-threat diaper changes those first few weeks.  

    Also, not to freak you out, but the Bummis prefolds you have and the Super Brite newborn cover won't last until your LO is ready for OS diapers - some babies are 9 lbs at birth. I recommend getting 2 dozen 7-15 lb prefolds (any brand is fine) and at least 2 more newborn/XS covers that aren't the super brite newborn.

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