Food Allergy

Well @%$#

So DS #3 was scheduled for two food challenges this fall.  In advance of the challenges we had his blood work re-done and the results are...depressing.

Good news is his egg number stayed the same (it has fallen each of the last two times he was tested) so we are challenging for egg in a couple of weeks.  Bad news is the peanut challenge is cancelled because that number went back up.  

Not tied to a challenge but worse news is ALL his tree nut numbers went up by a lot.

Most depressing of all, his milk number tripled.  It went from 25 to 75.  I've had to epi DS twice in his three short years and both were for milk ingestion.

I know I need to be glad about the egg and hope the challenge goes well.  {sigh} I will get there.  But today I am bummed.



My twins are 5! My baby is 3!

DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi

DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame

Re: Well @%$#

  • I hope the egg challenge goes great! I totally understand how you're bummed though. Hopefully his other numbers will start taking a nosedive soon. ((Hugs))
    someecardscom - Im well on my way to getting absolutely nothing done today
    DD1: allergic to eggs & dairy Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    c/p 4/1/11

    DD2: milk and soy protein intolerant, allergic to eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, bananasBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    MSPI Moms Check-In Blog
  • Fingers crossed for you on the egg challenge, but I can see why you're so frustrated. Good luck!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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