This is my last resort. She'll be 3 in March. She goes to bed at 8pm every night after a night time routine and she falls asleep fine by herself in her own room in her toddler bed. Every single night, usually somewhere between 1-3am, she wakes up crying for me. I go in, she says "I wanna sleep wish mommmmmyyyy". I have tried everything. Sure, we could co-sleep, but I can't handle the toddler knees in my back every night and getting b*tch slapped by my 2 year old at 4am.
I've tried CIO, I've tried Supernanny, I've tried no nap, shorter naps, longer naps, earlier bed times, later bed times...The kid has maybe STTN 30 times throughout her life. I HAVEN'T SLEPT IN ALMOST THREE YEARS. Please help me.
Re: Ha. My kid still doesn't STTN. Help? Also ranting...
I feel you, we have 3 years of seemingly nonstop sleep issues at our house also...
Have you tried rewards/sticker charts? We tried them a little before 3 & it was somewhat effective for DD but DS was not responsive...however, we revisited recently b/c bedtime was getting insanely out of control and both responded much better to that approach this time... but DD is still doing a lot of night waking so now that she earned her reward for bedtime behavior, we are going to start a new chart for both of htem for sleeping the night in their own room w/ no crying. The last one I made them do for 10 stickers before getting their reward (which took quite some time but once things clicked, they got the last 4 pretty much back to back)...just a thought.
Also DS has developed a lot of fears lately & started comign to our room in the night. At first I was trying the back to his room thing but then we decided to compromise b/c we knew it was fear related and we told him he could sleep onthe floor next to our bed but not in our bed & held firm to that (like you I cannot sleep w/ either one in our bed, no one sleeps well, it is terrible). There is a pillow & blanket on the floor, and some nights he will just walk in & lay down & sleep there and won't even tell us he's there (sometimes I wake up but a few times Ihaven't even heard him creep in) and sometimes he will say our name and if he is distraught we'll give him a hug for a minute and then put him onthe floor. We're pretty clear that his 2 choices are the floor or his own room. You might not really want that option either, I'm just throwing it out there. Our kids both seem to prefer sleeping on the floor to beds though, they both choose to fall asleep on the floor and even when we put them in their beds before we go to bed, sometimes in the night they'll choose to go back to the floor, it is weird.
GL & here's hoping for some sleep for you soon...
Sounds like our house exactly. DD falls asleep in her bed nightly (only if I lay next to her until she is sound asleep). Then I sneak back into my room. Sometimes she wakes me up and sometimes she crawls back into my bed. I think maybe once every other month she sleeps in her own bed all night...
I've got nothing. My 6 yo started sleeping through the night when she turned 5 (years!). My 2 yo has sttn maybe twice. We co-sleep after the first waking. I'd rather get some sleep than none at all. I think I'd be a walking zombie if I had to keep putting DD2 back in her bed. She likes to be touching me (or DH) while she sleeps. I figure she'll grow out of it like her sister did.
I haven't STTN (besides those 2 times) in over 6 years.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
I'm so sorry. Seriously. Like SO sorry. My brother thinks it's hilarious to tell me about all his friends toddlers that sleep from like 8-8 and put themselves in bed yadda yadda. I want to punch him in the face repeatedly.
No no no, I keep telling myself that it's the ones with the easy babies/toddlers who will have it tough in teen years and we will be enjoying our well behaved, polite non-troublemakers!!!!! (though if current personality is any indication, unlikely at my house )
GL. I can't imagine what you're going through.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
I agree! Knock on toddler sleeps fine, for now anyway. However, we did the Ferber method at 4 1/2 months...we were at our wits end. I looked up the info about Dr. Ferber and followed his method exactly. Some ppl are against it, but I LOVE it and will use it again. I think it was key that he learned so young, so he already knows how to fall back asleep by himself. Of course...I'm against any forms of CIO anytime before 4 months (Ferber suggests 4-6 months), but it worked for us when we did it. I have a happy, healthy, sleeping toddler.
Like this poster said, Ferber has suggestions for toddler sleep as well. A poster a few posts up said that her husband suggested turning the lock around to the door and that is actually something Ferber does suggest. Either doing that or installing a gate or putting a latch thing on the outside of their door so they cannot get out of their room. I know it may sound harsh, but Dr. Ferber is the sleep expert. Just look up some of his stuff and make the best decision for your family.
Good luck momma...
Mom to Carter (6), and Calianne (1).
Proud VBAC, natural birth, breastfeeding, cloth diapering momma!
I was just lurking on this board, and this post called out to me. DS has not slept through the night and I thought I had it rough. You are all amazing. I hope DS sleeps through the night before 5 years, but if not I will remember this post!
Don't know if this will help at all, but gives you some places to look.
Mom to Carter (6), and Calianne (1).
Proud VBAC, natural birth, breastfeeding, cloth diapering momma!
My ds didn't STTN regularly until after 3. Don't know why and not sure what changed, but one day, he started sleeping better. Bedtime is sometimes a fight, but he will STTN most night now. My dd, on the other hand, is up several times a night, so I still don't get sleep.
One thing that helped was making a nest of pillows next to my bed and letting him know that if he wants to, he can come in quietly and sleep there if he needs to be near me. Worked like a charm.
I think this is very true. We did Ferber when the boys were really young so we've just kind of stuck with it. I KNOW there are many nights they wake up and play by themselves in their bed for some time here and there, and I'm fine with that as long as they don't disturb me. For the most part they STTN or I just don't hear from them and they put themselves back to sleep at some point. She's going to wake up... that happens, but it's her yelling for you that needs to stop.