Nurseries and Baby Gear

2+ moms: stroller buggy?

I'm pregnant with N.2 who will be born when DS is 26m. old; he is 23 now and he hardly uses his stroller anymore so I don't want to get a double stroller (unless if I find out is a must after DD gets here)

Anyhow, I was thinking about getting one of those buggy boards that attaches behind it so the bigger kid can stand in there; just to use when we go out to long walks if DS gets tired

Has anyone ever used one? are they confortable for the LO and for the parent?

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Re: 2+ moms: stroller buggy?

  • I am curious what others will say because this is what I plan too do as well! My DS will be almost 3 and he doesnt like to be in the stroller now so I hope this works!!!
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  • When DD2 was about 6 months I broke down and bought the Sit n Stand stroller.  DD1 was 2 1/2 at that time.  We don't use a stroller very often but the times we have it has come in handy.  Now with #3 on the way our carseat will attach to it and now DD2 can ride on the stand part and DD1 can walk since she will be 5 by then.
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