Cloth Diapering

Pocket leaks at nap time

My pockets have now leaked twice right at the beginning of nap time.  I know because DS wouldn't go to sleep and when I picked him up, his back was all wet.  I use MF inserts and they are by no means soaked when this happens.  It's like it must just run right around the insert and up the back before the insert has a chance to absorb it.  Would a different insert help, do you think, or should I just use fitteds for naps?  I never have leaks while he's awake.

Re: Pocket leaks at nap time

  • Where is it leaking? Is it around the legs?

    I don't think a different insert would help if they aren't soaked. It sounds like they might not be tight enough and are leaking when he is laying down/rolling around. I didn't look to see how old your LO is, but that is my guess. 

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  • I find that my LO gets leaks up her back with her pocket diapers (Charlie Banana) if I don't make the waist tight enough.  We use one size diapers and sometimes it seems like she's between snap setttings.  When I try to give her tummy more room she ends up with leaks up her back.
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  • We use fitteds/workhorses/prefolds for naps for this same reason.
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