Maybe the VBAC borad might be better for this question, but I feel like I relate better with the women on this board, than those on the VBAC board.
I've been thinking about the decision I will someday have to make. VBAC or RCS?
Here's a little back story. My DD was born via emergency c/s after her heartrate was high almost constantly during the 45 min I was pushing. When the doctoer came in, instead of just the nurse, he called in the NICU team, so my room went from a nurse, DH and I, to almost 15 people in a matter of minutes. They attempted vacuum extraction, but the suction kept popping off. After the first pop they did an epsiotomy, because she needed to come out now and was right there. Then it popped off the second and third and final time, the second it popped off that last time they started putting the bed back together and pushing me out of the room rushing to the OR. Because I already had an epidural, they just changed the meds, so I was able to be awake and DH was able to be there when DD was born. Since she was so close to coming out vaginally, she was really wedged in adnthey had so to a small vertial incision on my uterus to wedge her out. The first days of recovery weren't as bad as I was expecting. Then, 1 wk PP I had extreme stomach pains, and after 13 hours in the ER, I was readmited to the L&D floor because of a massive internal infection and abscess. (They put my on L&D so the DD and DH coudl stay with me.) They think the vertical incision's stitches loosened up a bit as my uterus shrank and leaked some blood, causing the abscess and infection. The infection pain was worse than labor and worse than post c/s pain. I was in the hospital for 5 days on IV antibiotics.
Because of the nature of DD's birth and the infection afterward, I am leaning towards an RCS, because of the fear of the unknown and an RCS feels like I would have more control, but I am still considering VBAC.
So here is my question, did anyone have a VBAC birth plan that contained contingencies when the VBAC would be stopped and turned into an RCS? Like at the first signs LO is in distress, VBAC is done and CS is the choice? the stress of knowing LO has to come out NOW and I can't get him/her out, is just too much for me to even think about again! (plus I never want another episiotomy again!!!)
Re: Starting to think way ahead for next time
That's intense, I'm sorry you went through all of that!
I had an unplanned c/s with DS1 (he was OP/malpositioned), and didn't have any complications from it afterwards, but I definitely had that feeling of helplessness when it came to pushing (I pushed for 4+ hours, and he was also very close to being born).
I planned for med-free with my first son, and planned the same with my VBAC, but I was much more open to getting an epidural if my labor or pushing became prolonged and/or I started becoming exhausted.
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
I would talk to your doc, but I would definitley think that if you get an epidural that at any time you could switch to a c/s. How many children do you plan to have? While a doc obviously can't demand that you not have more children, there is a point when they feel that you've had too many c/s to have another safe pregnancy. Have you asked your doc if a VBAC is even an option, some docs won't do them, and I think even some that are comfortable with VBAC are uncomfortable with VBAC when there's a verticle incision (since yours is tiny, might not make a difference). I definitely think these are questions for your OB/GYN when you see him/her next time.
If it wasn't for the baby being in distress, does your OB think you could've had a successful vaginal delivery? I only ask because you had an episiotomy, plus failed vacuum suction.
I'm not trying to sound like a downer, just throwing it out there that your OB might really recommend a RCS.
GSx1 - 05/13/2013
GSx2 for T&B - EDD 6/21/2015 - They're having a GIRL!
This is why I ultimately decided to go with a RCS with my son. With DD I had a traumatic birth experience (at least for me it was). I was in labor for 27 hours. Pushed for an hour she went into distress. I was rushed to the OR. My epidural was not working and they could not get it to work properly for surgery so I was put under. I do not remember anything until 4 hours after the surgery when I learned that I had a daughter while gasping for air. I had some breathing issues after.
My doctor this time let me make the decision, after months and weeks of going back and forth I finally decided that the RCS was the way to go. I did not want to risk being put in the situation that I was in with DD. In the end it was the best decision I made. Things went so much better this time around and while I was completely scared due to not knowing what it would be like it ended up being much more relaxed.
Vroom, vroom.
Planning Bio | Married Bio | Blog
I am definitely doing a RCS for our next (and likely last) LO based on the way that DS was born.
I had a bad reaction to the epidural and my blood pressure bottomed out to 85/62. DS's heart rate dropped as well, and couldn't be brought up quickly enough. I got put under general anesthesia and they had him out within 5 minutes. It happened within a matter of 15 minutes, and he came out healthy and absolutely fine. DH didn't even have time to get scrubbed in before he was born. I then didn't meet DS until nearly 4 hours later, and didn't even know if he was ok or not.
Since it was my response to the epidural that started the chain of events leading to the c/s, and since my DH was somewhat traumatized by the whole thing, we are doing a RCS. I would rather feel more in control of what is going on, and have a plan for if I have a bad response to the anesthesia again than have to go through that experience again.
I am somewhat disappointed that I won't get to experience "natural" childbirth, but if it's between that and having a healthy baby, I'm taking the healthy baby hands down.
But, this is just my experience. I know my OB would probably let me try for a VBAC if I was interested, but I won't/can't take the chance of something like that happening again, for my own and my DH's sanity.