Cloth Diapering

Solution for cloth wipes?

I am fed up with disposable wipes. LO never seems to be clean and sometimes still smells like poop even after being wiped with 5 wipes and being thoroughly cleaned. I would like to try cloth wipes. We have been having a lot of problems with diaper rash lately and I am starting to wonder if its bc she isn't getting totally clean. So can anyone recommend a homemade solution? 
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Re: Solution for cloth wipes?

  • I do coconut oild melted in hot water with a squirt of baby wash mixed in. I prepare this solution in a cup then pour ofver the wipes in the container. The coconut oil solidifies once cooled and will help with rashes.
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  • I use one cup of water with a couple squirts Mustela baby lotion and a couple squirts Mustela no rinse baby wash. I mix and put in peri bottle then put a couple wipes in warmer a squirt solution over them, maybe two in the warmer at a time.
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  • I use warm water, baby wash and a couple of drops of tea tree oil.  I'm thinking of adding Lavender oil the next time I make solution.
  • I use plain water.
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  • I keep my cloth wipes wet in a wipes warmer and haven't had any problems with mildew or anything. I use a solution I bought from the Granola Babies store, its something they make and you just dissolve it in water and then pour it over your wipes or use it in a spray bottle. Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image
  • cup of water, squirt of baby wash and 1-2 drops of Tea Tree oil and stick them all inthe wipes warmer.  The TTO "disinfects" will kill yeast spores and will keep the wipes from getting that mildew smell if they are in the warmer for more than a day.

    BUT, my all time favorite solution is the Ruby Moon bits.  You get TONS in the package and one bit disolves perfectly in 12oz of water allowing me to wet  25 wipes at one time that I keep in the warmer.

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  • I just can't get on board with the warmer/wet wipes for some reason. I don't know why, it just seems so icky to me to let them sit in warm water all day. (I know it's not, it's all in my head!) I just keep a spray bottle with water, a little olive oil, and little baby wash in her room. I swirl to get it mixed, spray on the wipe, then wipe her. I spray her booty sometimes too, which she thinks is extremely hilarious. Wink
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  • Water with a squirt or two of CA Baby wash.
  • water with a small squirt of baby soap

    Jenn & Jason
    September 27, 2008
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