Detroit Babies

Daycare Recommendations - Royal Oak/Troy/Clawson/Madison Heights Area

I would prefer in home daycare, but I am open to center daycare. 


Re: Daycare Recommendations - Royal Oak/Troy/Clawson/Madison Heights Area

  • I don't have a specific recommendation for you, but make sure you use a licensed provider. You can find information at,4562,7-124-5529---,00.html. Good luck!
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  • We go to a center and really like it. Olive Branch in Royal Oak
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  • imageNovem06:
    We go to a center and really like it. Olive Branch in Royal Oak

    I have heard great things about this place. 

     We went to Grace Christian in Troy for a couple years before I became a SAHM.  Loved it there.

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  • We tried Giggle Gang in Troy, and did not like it.  I did not like the lack of personal attention and felt they did not take me seriously when I had a concern.  We changed to an in-home daycare in Troy,  I could not be happier.  Her name is Wendy Scyphers, you can find her on the state website.   We have been so happy there.  The only reason we are leaving is because I am going to SAH.  I am not sure how old your LO is or when you are due, but I know someone has already called her about a newborn in April (we are leaving March/April). 

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  • My nephew went to Grace Christian, and my brother and sister-in-law loved it.

    Also, a friend of mine runs an in-home daycare in Troy called Childs Play.


  • Any recommendations for macomb township area? I am very unhappy with my daycare, and feel absolutely stuck.
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