
Plateau Suggestions

Ok so I have lost 70lbs and have about 45 to go. I just have no motivation and feel like I've hit a plateau! When I work out I feel like I owe myself to eat whatever I want and when I eat well I feel like there's no need to exercise! If you've experienced something similar and have advice or just have suggestions please share!

Re: Plateau Suggestions

  • Have you considered working with a trainer? My mom was having trouble losing weight and met with a trainer for a few sessions. When she would plateau, she would meet with him again to adjust her workout. Try to find healthier alternatives to cravings and reward yourself sparingly, like after every 10lbs or maybe once a month. You can do it, mama!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Find the time everyday, or once a week to go to the gym and have a hard core work out. Do morning work outs when you get out of bed, ones in the evening. Just push your self. The more you work out, the more unhealthy weight you lose, the more stamina and energy you build. You just need to wt past that physoclogical block and push your self. One great "sweet treat" I've tried is banana Ice cream. You pure a banana, add some peanut butter, and a little coco powder. Yum! Or smoothies with yogurt. Use fruits for your sweets. Get it set in your head that all the processed foods are bad for your health, and fruits and veggies are better for you! Steamed squash can be just as good as mashed potatoes, as carrots and grapes are just as sweet as candy. It's all in your head. Find ways to self motivate your self : but remeber that "skinny" isn't always beautiful. Being healthy in your heart, body and mind is. So what ever makes you happy in those aspects is what makes you beautiful.
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