June 2011 Moms


Anyone else's LO's vocabulary seem to be exploding right now? I feel like in the last week Bailey has learned so many new words and has begun to really put words together. The other night I was giving her a potatoe wedge and my mom walked by and set her cell phone on the counter right by us. Bay saw the phone and said "no, want that" as she was reaching for my moms cell phone. I was floored. It is really cool! DH and I are just amazed watching her learn all this new stuff. So cool!

Our World!!


Blaine Emerson                  Bailey Rae

3-31-14                               6-10-11

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Re: Vocabulary

  • Nope... Jameson still only says about 6 words :(  ball, mama, dada, up, hi and all done
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    11/14 - Daily ultrasounds confirmed that my follicles are not releasing the egg and every other day blood draws showed very low progesterone... DH's SA was near perfect
    12/14 - moving onto meds!!! Hold up!!!  Surprise BFP after only taking the progesterone!  Now what do I do with all of the other meds we already paid for?!  Due at the end of August 2015 Beta#1- 4434 @ 22DPO  Beta#2 - 7335 @ 25DPO Beta #3 - 14429  @ 28DPO
  • DD only says a couple words
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  • Bell only says a few words consistently.  Every once in awhile she'll ask for something random so maybe she knows a lot more than she says.

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  • Ian only says a few words. Mom, dad, baba, hi, grandma. I think he says love you, but not sure. He says a lot of babble, so i'm hoping he has more words soon :)

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  • I've lost count of the words, but a lot of it's just repeating not really knowing the word. No 3 word sentences or anything like yours though!
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    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • C probably has 10 or so words and a few more that she randomly repeats but she has never strung any together... well other than all done.
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  • My DS only has a few words. "Yes," and "Ca" (this in French). He signs a few more and puts together "more please" in signs. But that's it so far. We've started hearing "shoe" and "petit chien" (little dog, in French) but I'm not counting them yet because they're not consistent. I'm hoping for a language explosion soon here!

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  • DS is definitely coming out with new words every week. He had about 15 words about a month ago but I wouldn't be surprised if he knows more than 20 now. His latest one is "clean". No sentences yet though.

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    BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w
    BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
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  • Yes!!! I tried to do a word count and it was at least 40-50.. so cool.
    We are getting into 2 word sentances, sometimes 3.

    As a previous speech pathology major, this makes me very happy and proud lol

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  • I've lost track of how many words DD has in her vocab. She communicates very well! No sentences yet though.

    The other day she counted to 5 after watching a TV show. I just about fell over. Turns out cartoons are good for something after all! :P

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  • She still only has a handful of words. She understands so many, though, so I hope that she'll start speaking more soon!!
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    DH: 34/Me: 35
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    DD: June 2011
    TTC# 2: April 2014
    BFP!! 8/29/16 --> EDD: 5/11/17....it's a GIRL!!! :)
  • Only a few here. Mama, Dada, mommy, daddy, no, hi , hi ya, this,.  Signs more, eat, all done, milk.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • He has a bunch of words if you include things like AHHHHH, aahhhHHHH, and AhhhAAAHhhhhhh... if you don't count those then he still doesn't have any words.  He does say dadadadada, and some times a definitive "DA" but it's pretty much the word for everything.
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  • She doesn't have an abundance of words that others would understand, but a good amount. Just yesterday she go daddy go bye bye when were leaving in the car.

    That is the first time she has ever said more than one word together.

  • DS says hi mom and hi dad when we walk in the door! It's sooo cute. He's been saying welcome after he hands me something too
  • Not sure about explosion, but his newest word is "booty". He really enunciates it, too. Boo TEE.

    Lilypie - (JzKZ) Lilypie - (DgGJ)

  • No explosion here but I am waiting patiently. DD is a May baby and still only really says "dat" for that and "geh" for again. She says dada and mama too and will say Lala for Lola if you ask her what her dog's name is.

    She has excellent receptive language and understands everything I ask her and say. She babbles a ton like she thinks she's talking and signs more, please, all done, water, milk, eat, I love you, thank you and "more please"

    I cannot wait for the explosion many of you have experienced already.
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  • I try to keep track of his words on my iPad. We are up to 40 words being used consistently. I love whence says pooh bear because he says pooh ba or be and it sounds like poopie lol. 

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  • No combined words (that seems far off), but she did go from about 4 words to now 15 words in about 3 weeks time- I thought that was a mini-explosion. :)
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  • Like one of the PPs, LO's language explosion started around her first birthday and has been going full force since then!  She has about 40 of her own words, and repeats everything.  She doesn't really string words together, though, other than "hi, baby" which she says whenever she sees a real baby or a picture of a baby.  So cute!  

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  • imageMammaBear81:
    He has a bunch of words if you include things like AHHHHH, aahhhHHHH, and AhhhAAAHhhhhhh... if you don't count those then he still doesn't have any words.nbsp; He does say dadadadada, and some times a definitive "DA" but it's pretty much the word for everything.

    This is us exactly! I think he said yes on Tuesday, but not clearly he's getting better saying the dog's name, but that's all.
  • YES!  Literally, in the past week or so!  He still doesn't have a ton of words, but definitely more than the 3 he had 2 weeks ago! 
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  • Yes!  I feel like he imitates everything DH and I say lately.  It's pretty cool...this week his favorite phrase is 'trick or treat'  (or in his words, "tcccck or teeeeeeeeee")!  I think he'll have it down by Halloween :)

    We just had our 15 month appt this week.  Pedi said he is actually pretty advanced in vocab, which I was interested in.  We wrote down what we could remember of his words with clear intent and got up to 60.  It's pretty crazy.  He's definitely starting to put a few words together now, which is fun!  (DH and I are English majors and teachers...we love this stuff, lol). 

  • I have been more and more surprised at what she comprehends by just what I say, it has really made me put in a bigger effort to stay talking with her all day. (Not that that's hard now lol.)

    As for her words she knows quite a few and will put two together quite often. She is also much more willing to repeat what we say if we ask her too so she is gaining new words quickly. It's so exciting!!

  • DS was just saying mom and dad, but this past week DH figured out he is saying snack "nack" for food.  Everything is a "nack" now.  He will also say milk "ilk".  I think it is interesting that he is saying just the ending of the words.  I am also surprised that he is saying snack before he has said dog.  DH thought he might have said that today though.  So, I think we are at the start of vocab explosion and I can't wait to see what word he learns next!
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