My DH works retail and can not get off work near a, ever. We stay in town for every holiday and take 1 trip per summer to visit family.
My mom wants me and the kids to take a 4 hr drive trip with her to see nearby relatives for Thanksgiving. We would leave that morning and be gone 2.5 days.
On the one hand, DH would not have his kids on Tday...but his sis and fam are in town and he would go there.
On the other hand, he is working Fri/Sat.
I initially said no, because no one helps with my 3 year old, who may have ADHD, so he is into everything and doesn't sit still. Their idea of helping is holding my baby. But she keeps asking and I am considering...
Re: Would you go OOT w/o DH on a holiday?
I would. My DH worked in retail management for a while and we regularly celebrated holidays a few days before they occured and he had the day off. Not Christmas, but anything else probably.
With that being said, it seems like a tough situation for you to travel 4 hours with 2 children--one with special needs and another child under 1. I may hold off until next year especially considering your family isn't really helpful with your older child.
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"><a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="">Calorie Counter</a></small></p>Oh yeah, I would. When I was on mat leave for a year, I took DD to my parents' cabin 4 hours away for a few days at a time several times. It was usually during the week while he was working anyway. Now we're both working, but I get 2 more weeks of holidays a year than he does, so I'm sure I'll plan to do something without him again sometime.
ETA: I guess it being a holiday, and having your hands full with two kids, might be different.
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