Hi all! I'm new here. Not sure where I should put this post. I have a 9 year old son and an almost 3 year old son. His birthday is Saturday. I had a little girl in between, but we lost her to SIDS.
I have been on Junel FE 1/20 for almost 4 years. I just found out a couple months ago that this birth control is made to thin out the lining so much that some women don't have a period. I, on the other hand, have always had a period & it's always been on time. Until this month. I took every pill just as I was supposed too. My period was due last Tuesday (Sept 25). AF still hasn't shown up. The day before AF is due, I always have lower backache, as soon as I start, the backache goes away. AF is 7 days late today, and my back still aches. I usually also have somewhat looser bowels and am gassy before AF shows up and while she's here. I have had a headache almost every day for about 2 weeks. Not bad enough, to take something for, just annoying. I have had moments of lightheadedness, and where I get really warm for a few minutes, then it goes away. I never had morning sickness or nausea in any of my pregnancies. There are only 2 times of the month when I have discharge. The week of my ovulation and a couple of days before my period. I have been having small amounts of white discharge (no color or smell) randomly for a few days. I had a large amount last Wednesday (the day after my due period). I have also had twinges & pulls in my lower abdomen (both sides). I feel gassy, and like I have to use the restroom, but very little or nothing happens. I took a test yesterday and it was a BFN. We weren't trying and haven't completely decided that we wouldn't want another baby, this would just be a huge surprise considering we had a 1% chance of getting pregnant.
I'm just confused and would like some advice!! Thank you!!
Re: Pregnancy Symptoms
Have you called your Dr? It does not hurt to speak to at least the nurse over the phone and a get a professional's opinion. They may want to see you and do a pelvic exam.
Hi. I called my Dr's office last Friday, which was 3 days after my missed period. I talked to a nurse, who was not my regular nurse, my nurse was off that day. Anyways, she seemed like she was in a hurry to get me off the phone. I told her that I had missed my period, but that I had taken my bc just like I was supposed too. She told me then that I was not pregnant. I later found out that this nurse was the only one there that day for my doctor and that she was extremely busy. I felt uncomfortable not being able to talk to my regular nurse. All this is before my symptoms. I had the lower backache, and had headaches since the week before, but nothing else. The discharge just started this last Saturday. Earlier today, I went to use the restroom, when I stood up, I had an extremely intense pressure in lower left abdomen that lasted about 10 seconds. Logically, I just think it's not likely that I'm pregnant, and I feel silly for thinking it. BUT, I also don't know how else to explain everything! Today my period is 7 days late. So confused! :-/
Are you still testing negative? I think your symptoms warrants another call to the dr and request an appointment not just talking to the nurse.
I don't know what area you live in, but I really like my dr in Plano, I am always able to get in with him right away. His name is Dr. Grisham. I am 8 weeks pregnant and yesterday I had some light spotting, I called in and they saw me immediately and did an ultrasound to make sure everything is going ok.