
Isolation during rsv season?

Have your doctors recommended that? I was just reading a preemie blog that said most doctors recommend the first two years of rsv season a preemie is isolated. How are parents able to do that? My LO is just turning 2 months tomorrow, during the start of rsv season. My job only allows 12 weeks of maternity leave so come November 5th ill be going back to work and my LO will be going to nanas house with my 3 year old and their 3 year old cousin. Both of them go to preschool, terrified for LO up get it from them. There absolutely no way for me to stay home through rsv season unless I quit my job which we wouldn't be able to do financially. I'm wondering what other preemie parents are doing for child are during rsv season.
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Re: Isolation during rsv season?

  • I also had to work during RSV season; I went back when she was 12 weeks in October 2011. She went to daycare during the day, and that is really the only place she ever went. We kept her home otherwise, with an occasional trip to a family member's house. The first time she went out running errands with me was April of this year. We got our monthly Synagis shot, kept her away from sick people, and hoped for the best.

    Our pedi did not request us to have her on total lockdown, just to keep her away from crowds and home as much as possible. Good luck to you! I know it is scary.

    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

  • My first DD was born during RSV in 2009 and for the first RSV season we were lucky (or unlucky depending on how you look at it) that my DH became unemployed and stayed home with her. The second year she went to daycare and she was sick a lot, but we made it through with just minor colds. My aunt helped us and stayed home with her a lot. 

    With DD#2 I was never told to keep her isolated and she's in daycare. I only got 12 weeks of maternity leave, and then she started daycare in May. She also didn't qualify for synagis shot either (because she was born after 32 weeks). 




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  • The biggest thing you MUST remember when you are a member of a preemie group is that there are all sorts of different medical histories and gestational ages here. 

    A baby that is born 27 weeks or less AND/OR babies that have/had major breathing/lung issues are much more at risk.  These babies often require much more restrictive isolation (for good reason).

    From the looks of it, your LO was born about 6-7 weeks early.  So thankfully, doesn't gestationally fall into the higher risk category.   I am not sure what your LO's lungs were like when they were born.  So, that could be a factor.  Talk to your doctor about it for sure. 

    I did quit my job when I had my son.  It wasn't really related to him being a preemie.  Rather more of a, "heck no I will not work under these conditions" sort of situation.   But, I got another job right as RSV season was starting.  My LO received synagis and went to daycare.  My doctor and I talked about it and she felt that because he was later GA (31 weeks) and had really no lung issues he would be fine going to daycare.He was 6 months old when he started.

    Our doctor was very much of the mindset, "be smart about things". 

     That said, we have some tiny miracles on this board who really do need to be in quarantine.  Their lives literally depend on it. The only person who can truly give you the answer about what you should do is your LOsdoctor. 

    Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

    We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

  • Last year we were lucky enough that my husband was able to switch his shift and work the evening shift and I worked during the day. My mom switched her shift so that she could get off and cover the difference. Brooklyn still got RSV and spent two weekend in the hospital. They got the Synergist with the doctor said was the only thing that saved her. 

    This year they will be going to daycare.  We are lucky that they will be getting the snyergist shots again until at least January. 

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers IVF #1 BFP Beta #1 528 & Beta #2 1514
  • Last year was his first RSV season and it was right when I took him home, so we were on house arrest and I was still on maternity leave so it was pretty easy. I only allowed my mom and FIL to see him and he did qualify for the shots.

    This year we are on limited house arrest, I am going to keep him in as much as possible but this is when his birthday is Indifferent and all the holidays, granted he wont understand much. So yeah this season he is on house arrest just limited. No parks, stores, etc...
    Michelle - Wife to an amazing husband, mom to a miracle baby boy born at 29 weeks and completely healthy and furmommy to three kick butt dogs. Life is complete! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I get the no going to stores, the mall, church part, we were planning on doing that. I was wondering what people do during rest season if they work? Did some of you quit your job just to stay home during rsv season ? I'd love to do that, I don't think it's possible though
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