August 2011 Moms

Aug '11 Pregnant Moms Check In!

How many weeks?

What fruit is your baby this week?

How are you feeling?

Biggest physical complaint? 

Have you started setting up the babys room/space?


How many times did you get up to pee last night?

Big news to share this week?

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Re: Aug '11 Pregnant Moms Check In!

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    How many weeks? 21 weeks.

    What fruit is your baby this week? Banana!

    How are you feeling? Busy and sometimes overwhelmed but feeling great!

    Biggest physical complaint? RLP making impossible to get comfortable in bed and so many Braxton Hicks.

    Have you started setting up the babys room/space? Nope... I need to clean out our spare bedroom and I don't even want to think about starting that giant task.

    Cravings? Carbs, oh yummy carbs. I dispise meat right now.

    How many times did you get up to pee last night? Just once.

    Big news to share this week? Hmmmm... not really. I have been feeling him move up higher in my tummy. :)

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    How many weeks? 30 weeks.

    What fruit is your baby this week? Cucumber

    How are you feeling? Fine.  Starting to get more excited and think more about the actual birth...birth stories are fascinating me a bit.

    Biggest physical complaint? I have horrendous pubic symphysis pain.  I literally have to ask my H to help me out of bed every is agonizing.  :(

    Have you started setting up the babys room/space? We finally got his room painted over the weekend.  I just have about 1 hour more of work to do cutting in the corners and around the window on one wall, then we can start pulling in the furniture, etc (he and C will share that room, so we're moving all of C's furniture plus a couple new things into the new space and setting up C's room as a guest room).  My goal is just to have everything mostly pulled together by 36 weeks...I think we're on track, finally!

    Cravings? Serious sweet tooth.  And milk.  I can't get enough.  We're going through more than TWO gallons of milk a week right now, and it's just me, my H, and the 13 month old (whose daycare provides all the milk he drinks during the day 4 days/week!!).

    How many times did you get up to pee last night? Once or twice.  And the pubic pain + bedsharing toddler = I looooathe that I have to get up to pee.  Loathe it.

    Big news to share this week? Nope...just pretty trippy to hit 30 weeks.  Feeling more and more real all the time which is one part terrifying and several parts thrilling and exciting :)  Can't wait to meet our new little boy <3

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    How many weeks? 29 - only 10 more to go (RCS scheduled)

    What fruit is your baby this week? Squash

    How are you feeling?  Feeling good, exhausted, and tired of the muscle spasms in my belly, but over all I feel really good. 

    Biggest physical complaint? See above Big Smile

    Have you started setting up the babys room/space?   Um.....  yes and no.  DS and DD will be sharing a room so it's all set up already for DS.  We do need to get DD's crib set up (it was delivered last week) and get her mattress and bedding and what not. 

    Cravings?  None really.  I'm kinda back in the 1st tri nausea/nothing sounds good mood. 

    How many times did you get up to pee last night?  Is it bad that I don't count?  I've become such a pro at it that I don't even remember some nights.  I think 3 or 4. 

    Big news to share this week?  I passed my GTT but I'm anemic, blah.  I'm hoping that my iron pills will help to increase my energy a bit because I've been straight exhausted for too long now. 

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    How many weeks? 11w1d

    What fruit is your baby this week? Lime!

    How are you feeling? I am feeling good! Very tired in the evenings, but I think I'd be tired even if I wasn't KU. Chasing around a 13 month all day is exhausting!

    Biggest physical complaint? My boobs are growing and feeling HEAVY. Ugh.

    Have you started setting up the babys room/space? Not yet! Will definitely wait until we find out the sex, and then probably not until early in the new year

    Cravings? CARBS! The scale is my enemy.

    How many times did you get up to pee last night? Twice! Though I am usually up three times... kill me.

    Big news to share this week? None!

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    How many weeks? 10 weeks

    What fruit is your baby this week? Prune. Yuck! As if I need to think of my baby as a wrinkled old fruit. lol

    How are you feeling? Still exhausted, plus just overall icky. Not sure if that's because of the pregnancy or because of the crud the girls passed on to me.

    Biggest physical complaint? SO. TIRED.

    Have you started setting up the babys room/space? Nope... That won't happen until we move. Until then, "setting up" will be limited to taking the bassinet out of storage and putting it in our room.

    Cravings? Hmmm... Nothing that stands out. I can crave something one day and not want it the next. One thing I've noticed is that coffee has really lost its appeal right now :(

    How many times did you get up to pee last night? Twice. That's the average for me.

    Big news to share this week? Let's see... We found out that a couple of friends who have 2 DD's the same age as mine are also expecting their 3rd (they are due about 1 month after us). I'm excited to have friends we can have playdates with all 3 kids :)

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    How many weeks? almost 20!!

    What fruit is your baby this week? banana

    How are you feeling?  great!

    Biggest physical complaint? a little lightening crotch but that's it

    Have you started setting up the babys room/space? no

    Cravings? sweets as usual, but I've kept it under control so far :)  We will see if I'm blessed with GD again :(

    How many times did you get up to pee last night? once

    Big news to share this week? none really.  Anatomy scan isn't until almost 22 weeks.

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    How many weeks? 24w6d

    What fruit is your baby this week? papaya

    How are you feeling? not too bad, actually

    Biggest physical complaint? I'm carrying this pregnancy a lot higher than I did DD, and he is always crushing my lungs/rib cage, it feels like. Sitting is already getting uncomfortable unless I can be sitting straight up or reclining a little bit.

    Have you started setting up the babys room/space? Nope, not yet. We will be moving in a few months, so I'm waiting until then.

    Cravings? Salty food. Chips. Pickles.

    How many times did you get up to pee last night? 0

    Big news to share this week? Nothing exciting going on here

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