I just got this email from my 4 year olds teacher - she is a very happy kid, loves school, no issues that are outside the normal preschool things (whiney, fusses eater, etc) No major life changes - started her PreK program right after Labor Day and LOVES it, has tons of friends. All good things. I plan to talk to her tonight and need to figure out what to say - any thoughts?
wanted to give you a heads up on something that happened today. Ashley
came out of the bathroom this morning and said "I choked myself while I
was in the bathroom." I asked her to show me what she did and she
tucked her chin into her neck and did this "until it hurt." She said
she did it because she wanted to and seemed rather happy about it. I
explained that I don't like to see someone hurt themselves and not to do
it again. I haven't seen this happen before but
thought you should know.
Re: 4 year old choked herself
I wouldn't worry too much about this. This type of thing is normal preschool experimentation with their bodies. She wasn't "choking herself" in the suicidal sense. She was just seeing how her neck/throat worked! She just happened to mention it to the teacher, and the teacher was then compelled to email you as a CYA thing.
Just shoot back a "thanks for keeping me informed, and let me know if it ever happens again" note, and keep your eyes open but don't lose sleep over it.
FWIW, I think the teacher handled this appropriately.
I don't think it is anything to get upset about. DS1 scratched himself until he bled. We talked about why he did it and I told him you really shouldn't hurt yourself becuase now you have an owie. That sort of thing and that was it. We didn't go into it further and it never happened again.
I agree with this.