Just thought I'd share:
Ashton weighed 18.9 lbs...crazy how much he's grown from the (5.9 at birth) and he was 27 3/4 inches long.
Adriana weighed 19.6 lbs. and was 27 inches long.
My little man is filling the gap in their weights and he is 3/4 of an inch taller than her.
I can't believe how much they have grown in the last six months. I'm so proud of them and so sad all at the same time. I wish they could stay babies longer.
Dr. said I could give them 3rd foods next month...I just don't know if I'm ready for that. Although, that does mean I can have our photographer come to the restaurant and take their photographs with their 1st big bowl of spaghetti and meatballs (not that they will eat the meatballs) I just want the perfect photo of them for their first pasta experiece for the walls of the restaurant.
Happy Monday ladies!!!
Re: 6 month shots today!!!
That's awesome! In some ways I want mine to stay babies forever, but in others I am excited for what's to come...crawling, talking, walking, etc.
My DS weighed 18lbs at an appointment last week at 5 months
He is a chunk!
Boy/girl twins born at 37w1d and 37w2d
WOW!!! I'd say he's a chunk.
Oh definately, I am excited to see their future selves but I know I will not be having any more and I just love holding my sweet babies.