
Does it matter what kind of full mattress we buy?

Should it be stiff like a crib matress? Softer now that he's older? Doesn't matter?

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Re: Does it matter what kind of full mattress we buy?

  • Just pick what you're comfortable in, since you'll probably be sitting and lying on it a fair amount.
  • Pick what you would want to sleep on.

    Stay at home mom to a house of boys: two amazing stepsons, 12 and 9, and our 4 year old.
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  • Softer than crib mattress for sure. I've been laying on my kid's crib mattress now that it's in the toddler bed and it's rock hard! I feel badly for him that he's stick with it until we get his trundle bed ordered! My older son has the best mattress on his full bed. I love it.
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