August 2011 Moms

Had the most surreal conversation with FIL

When FIL calls, we never talk for very long (despite having lived here for over 20 years, he still has a pretty thick accent, so talking over the phone can be pretty tedious for the both of us). Well he called this weekend and I was a little surprised when he started chit chatting with me. Then he started asking questions. About pregnancy. "How long does m/s usually last for?" "How does maternity leave work?" etc.

Guys, I felt SO awkward. I mean, kids should be asking those questions to their parents, not the other way around. I didn't think the conversation could get any weirder, but then he proceeded to tell me how step MIL had gotten an u/s before but it wasn't a "tummy u/s", it was (long pause filled with awkwardness from both us) a pelvic one. Thanks FIL. That's a visual I was dying to have.

Also, FIL asked me how long morning sickness was supposed to last for. I told him it typically was until 13 weeks or so, meaning step-MIL should have about another 5 weeks to go. He then quickly proceeded to tell her just so. Poor woman. I think that's a bit of info she could have done without. I also made sure to tell FIL they could ask for medication to help with the m/s as well, but I don't think he told her right away. I hope he doesn't forget to...

So there, that was my awkward moment of the year. Giving pregnancy advice to my FIL, and talking about step-MIL's encounter with the dildo-cam. :S 

On a side note, FIL seemed really happy and proud when he told they were able to saw the little heart beat on the u/s, so that makes me happy for them :) 

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Re: Had the most surreal conversation with FIL

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    Hahaha, oh god...I just about died myself when I read the part about the ultrasound!!!

    My FIL (who I love and it totally awesome!) covers up being uncomfortable by making jokes and talking about it.  I guess he likes to face his fears head on LOL.  But for the first two months after DD was born and I was nursing around the clock,  he would go on and on about it being great I was breastfeeding and joking about it, while I would be trying to discretely BF and relax over in a quiet corner of the room.  Looking back, it is kinda funny, but I was mortified at the time!  I mean, I wasn't embarrassed to nurse in public, but it didn't need to be a topic we discussed in detail every 3 hours that DD would nurse. 

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    Wow!  That is so crazy...seems like you handled yourself well. 
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    Well at least they seem to be excited about it....!?

    SO awkward..... LOL

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    I don't know what's funnier...  your conversation with your FIL, or the fact that it wouldn't even make me flinch to have this conversation with my FIL.  Gawd, we are the epitome of over-share in my family.
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    When FIL calls, we never talk for very long (despite having lived here for over 20 years, he still has a pretty thick accent, so talking over the phone can be pretty tedious for the both of us). Well he called this weekend and I was a little surprised when he started chit chatting with me. Then he started asking questions. About pregnancy. "How long does m/s usually last for?" "How does maternity leave work?" etc.

    Guys, I felt SO awkward. I mean, kids should be asking those questions to their parents, not the other way around. I didn't think the conversation could get any weirder, but then he proceeded to tell me how step MIL had gotten an u/s before but it wasn't a "tummy u/s", it was (long pause filled with awkwardness from both us) a pelvic one. Thanks FIL. That's a visual I was dying to have.

    Also, FIL asked me how long morning sickness was supposed to last for. I told him it typically was until 13 weeks or so, meaning step-MIL should have about another 5 weeks to go. He then quickly proceeded to tell her just so. Poor woman. I think that's a bit of info she could have done without. I also made sure to tell FIL they could ask for medication to help with the m/s as well, but I don't think he told her right away. I hope he doesn't forget to...

    So there, that was my awkward moment of the year. Giving pregnancy advice to my FIL, and talking about step-MIL's encounter with the dildo-cam. :S 

    On a side note, FIL seemed really happy and proud when he told they were able to saw the little heart beat on the u/s, so that makes me happy for them :) 

    Wish I could find the post where I chronicled what my FIL said to me while I was pregnant. I don't know what it was verbatum but he asked me something to the effect of, "Are you having a c/s or shooting the kid out of your hole?" Or something like that. Lamesauce. 

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    oh wow, I am so impressed you didn't laugh or something while talking to him. It sounds like you're dealing with this well. But, funny, for sure.
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    WOW... that would be so weird to have that conversation with my FIL.  I nearly died when you called it the dildo-cam! But you did handle it well, and they do want your opinion.  I haven't really been following the message boards that carefully lately... but do they know you are preggers yet?
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    Not gonna lie, I had the hardest time keeping from laughing. I kept thinking "Is this a prank? Where's the camera?" lol

    And Fweetie, no they do not know yet. The original plan was to tell them this weekend (Canadian Thanksgiving) when we see them, but I just don't know anymore. Maybe I'll hold off so that we can focus the attention on their baby at least this once.

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