My son was born 5 weeks early but is doing very well. I am unable to breastfeed so we have had him on premixed Enfamil formula. We are down to the last can of formula but have powdered formula that I was planning on switching him to. I noticed on the label it says that it is not sterliized and should not be fed to premature babies. Is it safe to give him powdered formula now that he is 3 weeks old or should I keep him on the premixed formula? Also, when is it safe to switch him to powdered formula?
Re: Powdered Formula
Stepmom to: Lizzie (4); Justin (10); and Cameron (13)
Mom to 3 angels: Baby 1 MC 2/13/09 @ 7 wks; Baby 2 CP 11/5/10 @ 5 wks;
and Brendan - Late Loss 4/27/11 @ 20 wks
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We used the high calorie Enfamil Enfacare to supplement. She was on the pre-made in the NICU, but we used the powder once she came home, with the approval of our doctors. It's specifically made for premature and low-birth weight babies, even in powder form.
If you are not sure, I'd give the pedi a call.