Potty Training

DD does great @ childcare, but not so great @ home...

My sweetie is three yrs old and we've been working on PTing for almost a year now.  She does great most of the time.  She does really well at her sitter's house, but at home has a lot of accidents.  Could this be a control issue?  Not bladder control, but control issues between us and her?  Just wondering if anyone else has seen this?
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Re: DD does great @ childcare, but not so great @ home...

  • I was just about to write this about my almost 3 YO son.  No advice here, but you are not alone!
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  • DS spends most weekends at my parent's because I am off during the week, but work the weekends. He ALWAYS did better with PTing at their house... poop in particular. I think a lot of it was that he liked to "show off" for them... they adore every little thing he does. And it's not like we didnt make a big deal out of him using the potty. They probably had a slightly different approach, which I think was a breath of fresh air for DS. We finally bought a couple of books and magically it was fixed. We got Everyone Poops and Even Firefighter Go To the Potty. His accidents now are pretty infrequent. We also set a timer on our phones for every hour or so and he knew that every time he heard it, it was time for a potty break.
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