
Crib wedge ?

I'm thinking of getting a crib wedge for my lo.  His reflux has been bad and I can't lay him down without his bottle coming back up.  We'd like to start transitioning him from his rnp to his crib but I'm concerned about laying him flat.  I've heard both positive and negative things about using a wedge.  Has anyone used one?  If you didn't- why did you chose not to?   Any other ideas that might work instead?


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Re: Crib wedge ?

  • We didn't buy a wedge but we did prop her crib up at an angle using towels under her mattress. It worked great and we were able to slowly flatten it as her reflux got better.  The only word of caution is that you don't want too much of an angle or you end up with a sad baby who rolled down the hill in the night :)
  • We just bought the Tucker Sling:

    It's kind of funny looking when he's strapped in it, but we have the same problem you have and got desparate - our little guy barfs up his whole bottle if we try to lay him flat.  We tried the books under the legs of the pack and play, but that didn't elevate it enough.  We also tried the towels under the mattress, but he rolled to the bottom (maybe I didn't do it correctly??) 

    His pedi approved us using the Tucker Sling.  It's kind of pricey.  It's also not foolproof - he puked all over it yesterday, but it definitely seems to help! 

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