Late Term and Child Loss

? about engorgement after a loss

Hi Ladies,

First off i want to say i'm so sorry that you have had a loss (losses).  I wish i could give each and every one of you a big hug.

A good friend of mine just had a loss of twin boys at 17 weeks.  Nature just wants to remind her even more about her loss and her milk came in today.  She breastfed her daughter and was planning on breastfeeding the twins and she's understandibly having a very difficult time.  I'm writing to ask what anyone did when they became engorged.  I know antihistamines (sudafed, benadryl etc.) and cold cabbage leaves help dry milk out and help with feeling so engorged but what else should she try?  She has a tight-ish bra on (her doc said not too tight because then that can stimulate let down) and knows not to have hot water go on them.  Can you think of anything else?

Thank you so much for any responses you have, it is very appreciated!

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