I would like to start to be able to put DS to bed, so that he doesn't need to be rocked to sleep, but can be put in the crib and gently fall to sleep on his own.
Bedtime routine usually consists of bath (every other night--or when it is really needed), diper change, lotion/massage, pajamas, bottle, then rocking to sleep.
Last night he verbally and physically protested going to sleep. I knew I was getting frustrated, so I put him in the crib and left the room, so we both could calm down.
He was quite, looking at his mobile, and sucking on his hand. I checked on him twice and the second time he was just barely asleep that was at 9 PM. He slept until about 4:30 AM, had a bottle and went back down.
I imagine since he is 3.5 months that it won't always be this way (aka he will cry)...so I was wondering if there were any tips for getting through this transition with as few tears as possible (from DS and me).
Re: Self soothing tips for bed time
The mobile isn't lighted and I don't keep any lights on in his room because right now he is fascinated by light and it distracts him. I lay him down already tired, so with the darkness added and the white noise- he's out like a light. I forgot to add that I give him a pacifier as well.