Ok, I'm not sure if I should make an appointment with my LO's Ped or not. Last night, DS went to sleep in his crib. He's never had any problems other than Colic.
Well, last night DH and I were folding clothes and heard DS making this odd sound. I swear it looked like a seizure. He was making an odd noise and it looked like he was stuck in a loop almost - so we immediately picked him up and DS woke up. If it were a seizure, I dont think he wouldve woken up immediately. He didn't cry.. he looked confused, like why did we jump and pick him up so fast?
Has anyone had this problem? I'm a first time mom, so everything freaks me out. This is the only time DS did this. Could he have been choking possibly? Could it be reflux? I've read stuff on reflux before. I just know that immediately he woke up. Could he have been having a night terror?
Re: He scared the sh&t out of me!