Late Term and Child Loss

WTF Friday

Happy Friday Ladies!

Anyone need to vent today? Let it on out! 

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers


Re: WTF Friday

  • Ugh yes. I went to my annual optometrist appointment a few weeks ago and got an updated glasses prescription. Yesterday, I went to see an ophthalmologist because my eyes have been ridiculously dry for months and the assistant did an exam and gave me a prescription that is DRASTICALLY different!! Who am I supposed to trust? Are they just guessing?! I am getting a third opinion from the optometrist at Costco this afternoon. I just want to see!

      Our Angel Patricia born sleeping 3/30/12 at 31 weeks
    Our Fighter Anna born early 1/8/13 at 26 weeks
    Hoping to bring home #3 due 9/9/15
  • WTF DH!  You go out for a few drinks after work last night, and now today you go in to work late and leave early then spend the rest of the afternoon in bed!  Come on!
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

    BFP #1 Jan. 2011 - mmc Mar. 2011 
    BFP #2 Aug. 2011 - My sleeping angel Stella, born April 21, 2012 
    BFP #3 Nov. 2012 - mmc Dec. 2012
    BFP #4 April 2013 - mc May 2013
    BFP #5 Sept. 2013 - EDD 5.24.14
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  • Walking outta work yesterday morning I saw this really pg woman, and she was a patient..had the wristband..walking over by the lake that's right by the front entrance lighting up a cigarette! W T F!! I lose mine and never smoked a day in my life and do everything I'm 'supposed' to do but you smoke throughout and you get to keep yours. Stupid. Stupid, naive...grrrr!
    Tim 12/30/00 Brad 4/30/02 Alex 9/29/03 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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