Hi ladies, I'm usually just a lurker but I need some help!
DH I are finally expecting a baby girl. We are planning on naming her after my mother, who is so important to us does so much for our family. Anyways, her name is Ellen. We love that name too, but not sure if we want to use it. Her nickname growing up was Ellie or El. I know this board doesn't love Ellie, but it's meaningful to us!
We have a semicommon mexican last name beginning with Arm
On our list currently is:
Elle My top pick. But my fear is will this sound funny with a Mexican last name being that El means the in Spanish?
Elsa I think is beautiful, but DH isn't 100 on board
Elowen Think it has a lord of the rings connection that may ruin it for me may be too close to DS1 Rowen.
Ella Too common?
EDIT: middle name will be Margaret after my grandmother.
Like I stated above DS1 is Rowen William DS2 is Declan Milton
I'm open to any and all suggestions, thanks so much in advance!
Re: El Girl Names
I work with a Mary Ellen (first name), would you consider something like that?
We're naming our little girl Eloise. For short, we are staying away from Ellie due to the extreme popularity and going with Elle. But even with just the full name Eloise we think it is just so cute!
Eleanor is also really cute!!
Freshie Girl 9.29.12
My Ovulation Chart
*TTC #1 since June 2012*
Married since 10/5/12!
*Me: 25**DH: 45*
*DX: Severe MFI- Low T, Delayed Ejaculation & Azoospermia*
*Working to improve DH's numbers on Clomid & HCG injects before we can start IVF*
*SA 1- No sperm* 7/25/12
*SA 2- No sperm* 10/31/12
Eloise is adorable, I didn't even think of it. Thanks!
I knew a girl growing up named Alayna, we weren't fans of each other it has sadly ruined the name Elena for me. It's beautiful though!
I think ELsa is cute.
I also agree with pps on Elena.
Other suggestions:
BFP#1 11/12/11 ~ No heartbeat 12/12/11 ~ D&C 12/19/11
BFP#2 3/25/12 ~ Heartbeat 141 4/16/12 ~ No heartbeat 4/25/12 ~ D&C 04/30/12
BFP#3 7/16/12 ~ EDD 3/26/13 ~ It's a BOY ~ DOB 2/26/13
I do love Eleanor, but DH and family think its an old lady name. I think it's a great name!
I don't think Elowen and Rowen are too close because they have different syllables.
I really don't care for Ella/Elle. I do like Ellen and Ellie. I don't know any little Ellies but I do know quite a few Ellas and one Elle (which is just so Legally Blonde, IMO).
You could also use Elizabeth?
Isn't it beautiful? We love it, but is it too close to Rowen? And will people connect it to Lord of the Rings?
Is Ellory a name? That's cute, if it's a real name.
I'm gonna google!
I would connect Elowen to LOTR.
What about Elna? Elsa? Elizabeth?
mm 2/17/11 * dd born 4/20/12 * bo 1/3/14 * edd 1/21/ 1/15
I LOVE Ella Margaret and I think Ella pairs well with Rowen and Declan.
I also love:
Elise Margaret
Elena Margaret
Eleanor Margaret
Eloise Margaret
Ellory is a real name!
What about Elise? I think that is really pretty.
On your list, I love Elle, but only you can decide if you like it with your last name. Elowen is also cute!
Elissa is one of my favorites.
If I were to have a different name similar to Ellen, for me I like Elena. I also think using Ellen for a mn is good too, my bff's mn is Ellyn.
It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
I think Ella is weirder with the Spanish last name than Elle (since it means she), but both are a little weird. My faves: Eliza, Elise, Eleanor/ Elinor, Elsa, Eloise, Elin. You're certainly not lacking in options!
BFP #1 5/12/12; EDD 1/20/13; Eliana Grace born 1/25/13
BFP #2 12/11/13; EDD 8/23/14; M/C 6 weeks
BFP #3 4/3/14; EDD 12/13/14
We named DD#2 Ellianna. Like you, we wanted to use a name that we could use El as a nickname. DH's grandmother passed away 2 days before Ellianna was conceived. We decided to honor her by using her childhood nickname. Her name was Eleanor, but everyone called her El growing up.
We never call her Ellie because we have an Allyson and we call her Ally. Ally and Ellie are way too close together. Ally started calling her Ellsy, so a lot of times thats what we call her too. I really love her name. When we named her that I had never heard of the name, but now, sadly it seems to be become pretty popular.
Good luck in your decision.
~Team green turned Blue on 4/6/14~
I like Elle .... Like Elle Macpherson the beautiful Australian super model